View iBuyNU Cart Assignments and Cart History

This guide describes how Shoppers and Requesters can view iBuyNU shopping cart assignments and cart history. It also describes how Requesters can check out a cart that has been assigned to them.

View Cart Assignments

Shoppers can view shopping carts they have assigned to Requesters to see the status of a cart, reassign it, or reject it. Requesters can view and work the carts that have been assigned to them as well as view carts they have created or assigned to other Requesters.

To view cart assignments:

  1. Click Shop/Carts in the left-hand navigation, the click My Carts and Orders > View Orders.
  2. Click the Assigned Carts tab.


  1. Shoppers will only see carts they've assigned to other users.
  2. Click a cart name to see the cart details.
  3. Expand the Filter Assigned Carts section to fliter by additional criteria such as Cart Name, Assigned to User, etc.
  4. Click Action: Unassign to reassign the cart to another Requester.
  5. The shopping cart with be displayed, click Assign Cart to assign to a new user.



  1. Requesters will see carts you've assigned to other users and carts assigned to you.
  2. Expand the Filter Assigned Carts section to fliter by additional criteria such as Cart Name, Assigned to User, etc.
  3. Click Action: Activate to claim the assigned cart.
  4. The shopping cart will become your active cart.
  5. Click the cart icon.

Note: You cannot ‘unclaim’ a cart. Once you claim a cart, you can reassign it, return it, or check it out. To check the cart out: click the cart name to view its contents, click Make Active to make it your active cart, and click Check Out.

  1. Click   to reassign the cart to a Requester.
  2. To reject the cart, click the three dots (Cart Actions) > Return to Cart > Return Cart


Check Out an Assigned Cart (Requester Only)

If you are a Requester and have been assigned a cart, you can check the cart out to purchase the order by following the steps below.

To view cart assignments:

  1. Click Shop/Carts in the left-hand navigation, the click My Carts and Orders > View Orders.

  1. Click the Assigned Carts tab.

Requesters will see carts you've assigned to other users and carts assigned to you.


  1. Requesters will see carts you've assigned to other users and carts assigned to you.
  2. Expand the Filter Assigned Carts section to fliter by additional criteria such as Cart Name, Assigned to User, etc.
  3. Click Action: Activate to claim the assigned cart.
  4. The shopping cart will become your active cart.
  5. Click the cart icon > Checkout.
  6. Click Checkout

You will be directed to the NUFinancials requisition page to complete the order.


View Cart History

You can view all of your submitted shopping cart requests.

  1. Click Shop/Carts in the left-hand navigation, the click My Carts and Orders > Recent Carts (Last 90 Days).

  1. Recent submitted carts will be displays (defaults to the last 90 days).

  1. Change Date Range for carts returned via search (defaults to last 90 days)
  2. Use Quick Search to search carts by Cart Number, Supplier, etc.
  3. Filter the list by Quick Filters such as Supplier, Prepared For, etc.
  4. Click  to change the number of shopping carts that display per page.
  5. Click a page number to navigate to a different page.
  6. Click any column to sort the list by that column type.
  7. Click a Cart Number to display request details.


Additional Resources

For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email


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Thu 5/12/22 12:38 PM
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