Select a Supervisor for Employees with Multiple Appointments for NUFinancials Expense Reports

This job aid provides information for employees with multiple appointments on how to submit expense reports.


  • Employees (or their proxies) with multiple appointments need to select which supervisor their expense report should route to in the approval process.
  • It must be selected before the expense report is submitted.
  • An approver can send back a submitted expense report if the routing needs to be changed.
  • Employees (or their proxies) can withdraw an expense report if no approvals have been applied and change the routing if needed.

Navigate to Standard Non-Catalog Requisitions

  1. Login to NUFinancials:
  2. Expenses tile > Create Expense Report
  3. Enter Business Purpose and Description
  4. Click on the Magnifying Glass in the Expenses Supervisor field.


  1. A Lookup window will appear. Select the Expenses Supervisor that correlates to the account used for the acquired expense.

Note: If you do not see a supervisor or any backups assigned for a position, electronic routing is not available and the traveler must sign the expense report. The signed report must be scanned and attached to the expense report.


  1. Once you select an Expense Supervisor, you will be taken back to the General Information page.
  • The number in the Expense Supervisor field correlates to the Employee Record in Human Resources. You will not see a name once you select your supervisor and return the expense report.MultipleApp3
  1. Complete the rest of the Expense Report.

Note: Employees with a single appointment will still need to select an Expenses Supervisor.

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Article ID: 1163
Thu 5/12/22 12:38 PM
Thu 1/12/23 10:41 AM