NUFinancials Budget Adjustment Course Guide

This course outlines available training for the adjustments of budgets.


NUFinancials Budget Adjustments

Course Guide

This is an advanced course.

Intended Audience

Financial and business administrators, or anyone who oversees a budget and financial activity

Course Format

This course is online only, but access to learning is continuous and on demand. You may start learning at any time and review the learning materials at any time. 

Learning Sequence

Below is the recommended learning sequence and timeframes.







 Budgeting Overview


Watch this overview if you want to know how Budget Journals fit into NU budgeting processes.

 Part 1: Creating Budget Journals


 NUFinancials Budget Adjustments


A presentation of business rules for the NUFinancials Budget Journal. Before you watch, print the Chart of Accounts Quick Reference.


 Adjust a Revenue and Expense Budget


In the demonstration, the basic mechanics of the budget journal are explained.

You also see a budget journal that adjusts both revenue and expense budgets.


 Adjust an Expense Budget



 Adjust a Revenue Budget


 Part 2: Searching and Troubleshooting Budget Journals


 Budget Journal Process and Statuses


Find the process diagram on page three of this document.


 Search for Budget Journals



 Troubleshoot Budget Journals


Before you watch the demonstration print Budget Journal Troubleshooting (below).


 Search and Troubleshoot Budget Journals




 Initiating Budget Adjustments

Training Guide

This guide complements part one above.


 Searching for Budget Journals

Training Guide

This guide complements part two above.


 Budget Journal Troubleshooting


This reference contains in alphabetical order all error messages that you may see on the Budget Journal, with the potential resolution of the error.


 Chart of Accounts Quick Reference


Print this reference and keep it handy during training.


Related Resources


These are links to related business processes and policy. 

Helpful Policy Links

The policy organization governing Budget Journals is the Office of Budget and Planning.

For questions about NU account codes, refer to Accounting Services “Guide to Accounts.” accounts.html

Helpful Reports

All budget journals and their affects are visible in Cognos reports. Approved journals appear on the budget section of the GL008 Revenue and Expense Activity Report.

Helpful Inquiries

The affects of budget adjustments are visible in NUFinancials budget searches Budget Details and Budget Overview. The journal transactions themselves are visible from the budget searches by drilling to the Activity Log.

Using YouTube

YouTube has functionality that can enhance your experience of the videos.



For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email

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Article ID: 1211
Thu 5/12/22 12:38 PM
Fri 1/13/23 10:47 AM