Look Up NUPlans User Security

This article describes how NUPlans users with the Prep File role can view user access for their prep file's budget groupings.


Look Up NUPlans User Security


Users with the Prep File role in NUPlans can view user access for their prep file’s budget groupings by using the "User Access" view located in the Administrative directory in NUPlans Web, for both Budget Prep and Forecasting. "User Access Instructions" provides more information on requesting security changes.

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Here are details on some specific enhancements:

·         View Current Security for One User

·         View Current Security for Specific Budget Grouping(s)

·         Export Results to Excel




View Current Security for One User

1.    Navigation: NUPlans Web > Select an Application (nu_forecasting or nu_planning_FYxx)

2.    Select Applications > 01 Administrative > User Access

3.    Open the }Groups dimension on the rows by clicking the arrow on the right side of the dimension.


This opens the dimension subset editor.



4.Click the filter iconimage.jpg and selectFilter by Expression.



  1. Type in the NetID of the user and click OK.


·         Use asterisks on both side of the NetID to say "contains" (e.g. *abc123*).


  1. When the Subset window on the right shows the user you're looking for, click OK.
    • The view will reload to show the access for the user you selected.



View Current Security for Specific Budget Grouping(s)

  1. Navigation: NUPlans Web > Select an Application (nu_forecasting or nu_planning_FYxx)



  1. Select Applications > 01 Administrative > User Access



  1. Open the G_BudgetGrouping dimension on the rows by clicking the arrow on the right side of the dimension.


This opens the dimension subset editor.



  1. Select the budget grouping(s) you want to see user access for.
    • You can search the subset displaying on the right side of the window for the budget groupings you're looking for.
  2. Click the collapse button image.png to the left of the NU budget grouping, to collapse all its children, so it will look like this image.png.
  3. Then click the expand button image.png to expand NU, to get a listing of all the prep files with their child budget groupings consolidated.
  4. Use control + click to select the prep files you want to see and then click the Keep Selected Element(s) button image.png.
  5. Only the selected elements are displayed in the right-side window, click the Tree Expand image.png button and select Expand Tree Fully from the menu that appears. This will expand both prep files to show all budget groupings within them.
  6. Click OK.

·         Another option is to use the Filter Subset menu on the filter icon, to Filter by Expression:


  1. Click the filter icon and select Filter by Expression.
  2. Type in the name of the Budget Group and click OK.


§  Use asterisks on both side of the Budget Group to say "contains" (e.g. *FFRA*).

  1. If, after filtering, the results match what you're looking for, click OK.

§  If you need to select only some of the budget groupings returned in the search results, then Use control + click to select the ones you want in the window on the right side of the pop-up, and then click the Keep Selected Element(s) image.pngbutton. Then click OK.

The view will reload to show only users with access to the budget groupings selected.


Export Results to Excel

  1. In the Actions Menu, select Export, and then select Snapshot to Excel.


  1. Choose the number of rows to export: "Export all rows in the view (nn) rows".


3. Click OK and follow the browser prompts.

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Article ID: 1329
Thu 5/12/22 12:39 PM
Fri 1/13/23 10:13 AM