Once you have activated your G Suite account, use the Account Management page to change your password, set up to two aliases or nicknames, change your graduation year, and delete your existing account (alumni only). This article is applicable to G Suite accounts, including @u.northwestern.edu, @nlaw.northwestern.edu, @alum.northwestern.edu, @kelloggalumni.northwestern.edu, and @fsm.northwestern.edu accounts.
- If you have an active NetID, you can access the Account Management Page at http://umail.northwestern.edu/manage, where you’ll log in with your NetID and password.
- If you are an alum with an expired NetID, you can access the Account Management Page at http://umail.northwestern.edu/alum, where you’ll log in using your name, birthday, and verify or set up a PIN.
Once you have accessed your Account Management Page, you can:
Create nicknames
While your official email address will appear in the Online Directory and systems like Canvas and CAESAR, you can add up to two nicknames, or email aliases, on your email account. You can send and receive mail sent to your assigned account name or any of your account nicknames. Remember that you can only log into your account using your official account name, not a nickname.
- In the Create/Remove Nicknames section, enter your desired nickname in the box next to Add a nickname.
- Click the Add Account Nickname button.
Once you add your nickname(s), see Google's article Send emails from a different address or alias to configure your email program to send from your new nickname.
Reset your account password
- In the Reset password section, enter your desired password in the box next to Enter New Password.
- Enter the password again in the box next to Verify New Password.
- Click the Update Password button. Your account password will be changed immediately
Change your email display name (after an official name change)
By default, the display name associated with your email address is your official name as listed in CAESAR. This is the sender name that appears to others when you send email. If you change your name, you can change your email display name to reflect that change.
Before you can change your name on your email account, you must first submit a name change request through your school's Registrar. See the Registrar's page File a Name Change for more info.
Once your submitted name change appears in the Online Directory, you can change your display name by clicking the Update Name button on the Account Management Page. The display name on your email account will change to reflect the name on file with the Registrar.
Change your email display name (to a Display Name)
- First, set up your Display Name in NUValidate. *This is a required first step.*
- Second, email servicedesk@northwestern.edu with this information: “I’ve updated my Display Name in NUValidate. Please update my Google / Gmail primary username and published email address to my Display Name.”
- Please allow for up to five business days for the request to be completed.
Additional Information
- Your new email will follow the standard format of FirstName.LastNameYEAR@u.northwestern.edu (e.g., WillieWildcat2029@u.northwestern.edu).
- Note that your original email address will remain active in Northwestern’s systems, but won’t be visible in the Directory. Please be aware that while your original email address *can* be permanently deleted, there may be internal and external repercussions to deleting it (e.g., not receiving email sent to the old address, or losing access to websites you used it to sign up with).
Change the graduation year on your account
- In the Change Year section, click the dropdown box to select your new Graduation Year.
- Click Update Year.
Note: If your graduation year is in the past, the form will not allow you to select it. Please contact Northwestern IT at servicedesk@northwestern.edu to manually have your email graduation year changed.
Change a FERPA account name (e.g., A1B2C3) to a standard account name
When you initially created your account, you had the option to generate a random, FERPA-protected account name, in the format A1B2C3@u.northwestern.edu. If you chose this option by mistake and want to change your account name to a standard FirstnameLastnameYear account:
- In the Change to Standard Email Account section, click the dropdown box to select your Graduation Year.
- Click Update Email Account.
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