GlobalProtect VPN for macOS

Using GlobalProtect VPN on macOS

If your University-owned computer is managed by your department, you may not need to set up GlobalProtect. If you see the GlobalProtect icon in your menu bar, skip the set-up instructions and go directly to connect to GlobalProtect

Supported macOS Versions:

  • macOS 10.15 (Catalina)
  • macOS 11 (Big Sur)
  • macOS 12 (Monterey)
  • macOS 13 (Ventura)
  • macOS 14 (Sonoma)
  • macOS 15 (Sequoia)

Set up GlobalProtect

  1. Go to download the GlobalProtect installation package
  2. Within your computer's Downloads folder, double-click the downloaded file to begin installation. When prompted, check both Global Protect and Global Protect System extensions, then click Continue, then click Install
  3. If you see a prompt about a PaloAlto system extension being blocked, click Open Security Preferences
    PaloAlto extension blocked
    1. Click Allow, then close your preferences window.
    2. If prompted, enter your computer's administrative user name and password, then click Install Software. If you don't have administrative rights to your University-owned computer, contact your departmental tech support personnel.
    3. Restart your Mac.
  4. When the installation finishes, you will be prompted to move the installer the trash
    Move installer to trash
  5. You will then be prompted asking for your keychain password. Enter your password and choose Always Allow
  6. Click Close. Once installation is complete, GlobalProtect will appear in your menu bar at the top of your macOS desktop

Connect to GlobalProtect

  1. Click the GlobalProtect icon in the menu bar, enter portal address, then click Connect
    Global Protect Not Connected
  2. When prompted, enter your NetID and NetID password, then confirm your identity with Duo multi-factor authentication. You will then be connected to GlobalProtect
  3. To disconnect, click the GlobalProtect icon again, then click Disconnect
    GlobalProtect connected




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