This document outlines directory fields which can be used to personalize Bulkmail messages.
If you are using a pre-defined recipient target group, you will have the ability to use several built-in mail merge fields based on NU Online Directory information. These fields are defined below. Note: the ampersand and semicolon are required when using mail merge definitions.
- &*DATE;
If you are uploading a recipient list of NetIDs or EmplIDs, all of the above fields are available. You can also add columns on your uploaded text file to supply custom mail merge fields such as date of birth or graduation year.
If you are uploading a list of recipient email addresses, the mail merge fields referenced above are not available for use. You may, however, supply any custom fields as additional columns in your uploaded file.
Keywords: bulk mail merge
Created: 2017-01-24 00:06:23
Updated: 2019-02-04 16:59:35