This brief job aid provides tips for attaching and removing documentation from Expense Reports.
Employee Expense Report Attachments
- Expense documentation (receipts, policy forms, mileage map, per diem rates, foreign currency rates, etc.) must be scanned and electronically attached in the Expense Report.
- Consult with your school or department for document retention guidelines.
Navigate to NUFinancials > Expenses Tile > Create Expense Report (or use Navigator > Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > Expense Reports > Create/Modify > Find an Existing Value or Add a New Value).
Under General Information, click Attach Receipt.
![Attach Receipt](
Click Add Attachment.
![Add Attachment](
Click on My Device. A Device could either be your computer, tablet, or your phone.
Select the item you wish to upload. Then, click Upload, then Done in the upper right.
Enter a Description.
To remove an attachment, click Edit and select the checkbox for the items you would like to delete.
Then, click the Trash Can icon.
Click Done.
NOTE: Please limit the file size of each attachment to 10 MB or less.
For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email