The new smart search provides a quick and easy way to find your reports, dashboards, stories, data, files, folders, packages and other items. It returns results as you type, similar to the Google search page.
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Using Search

The Search bar is now in the top right. As you begin typing any objects that meet the criteria will begin to populate the window.
Note: The default search operator has changed from OR to AND. For example, when you search for the phrase GA101 Proposal Detail, only results that include "GA101" AND "Proposal" AND "Detail" will appear.

You can select an object from the pull down menu or hit the Enter key to return all related objects.
Note: Icons next to objects indicate if they are packages/data sets, folders, reports/report views, or other objects.

There are now different tab options that give you the option to search in My Content, Team Content or All Content.
Saving Search

The Save and Filter buttons are in the top right of the Search window.
The Save button allows you to Save searches that you may use often. When you Save a search the next time you return to the Search window your Saved searches will appear under the Search field.
Best Practices

Search Feature for Reports Run Occasionally.
You can use the Saved searches feature to quickly find those reports that you need to access/run occasionally, i.e. monthly, quarterly, yearly. Using the Report Name as a saved search is an easy way to find and retrieve reports used less often.
Note: Of course, you have to remember that you have created a saved search for these reports run less often.
Narrow Your Search with Filters

The Filter button allows you to refine your search. In this example Folders are selected, so specific reports are not returned in the Results window.