The SC032 Workflow Metrics Report reviews the total number of submitted and approved transactions along with the average approval time for expense reports, requisitions, and payment requests.
Log in to Cognos Analytics, and navigate to Finance Facilities and Research Administration > School > Supply Chain
Interpreting the results
The prompts filtering the report are cumulative; if the selected submitter doesn't have any transactions for the department selected, there will be no results.
- Date Options (required):
- From Yesterday to Today
- For the Last 7 Days
- User Defined Date Range (Submission From and To dates after 06/01/17)
- Department
- Tree
- Department Search & Select
- Submitter - This is the person who submitted the transaction into workflow. It can be different from the person who created the transaction.
- Search by:
- NetID
- Name - Type %, then part or all of the person's name, or click Options, select Contains any of these keywords, then type part or all the person’s name
- Select by clicking one name (one name must be selected/highlighted from the results)
Column Definitions
Indicated by Letter
Column Name
Column Description
Transaction Type
- All (Total of all Expense Reports, Requisitions, and Online Vouchers)
- Expense Reports (includes reimbursement, reconciling advances, and My Wallet reconciliation)
- Requisitions
- Payment Requests
Number Submitted
By Transaction Type; the total number of transactions submitted and fully approved within the given date range when the report is run.
- For example, Expense Reports and Payment Requests that are paid and Requisitions that have been fully approved with POs dispatched.
- To further clarify, running a report today for the date range 1/1/2016 – 1/15/2016, would not include a transaction that was submitted on 1/15/2016 and paid on 1/20/2016.
- Similarly, a transaction that was submitted on 1/10/2016 and is still in workflow would not appear on the report.
- Also, a transaction submitted on 12/27/15 and paid on 1/5/16 would not appear on the report because the submitted date falls outside of the date range for which the report was run.
Mean Aging
The average number of days transactions took to be fully approved.
Each of the columns to the right of Mean Aging are the approval levels that the transactions could go through, with the total number of transactions that went through these levels.
- A transaction may not go through all of the approval levels listed.
- For Expense Reports and Payment Requests, the final level of approval is Accounts Payable.
Important note when running by department: Some transaction approvals, such as Accounts Payable for Expense Reports, are applied at the header level (transaction, e.g. expense report) instead of the line level (where the chartstring is stored). For those types of transaction approvals, the transaction number cell will display zero when using the department prompt ASRSP and Accounts Payable approve at the header level for Expense Reports and Payment Requests.All other counts of transaction approvals for the date range selected will be returned correctly.
The average number of days it took to approve a transaction at that level.
- If a transaction were to be submitted and fully approved within the same day, it would count as 1 day within each approval level.
Detail Drill
In HTML, links to the SC033 Workflow Metrics Detail Report which gives high-level details about the transactions that make up the counts for each transaction type.
- The intent is to let you identify specific transactions for your own deeper research.
- It is not meant to be comprehensive; giving only basic header information.
- Each drill opens in a new tab.
Keywords: bi "business intelligence" era reporting "supply chain" sc
Created: 2018-05-10 13:04:53
Updated: 2019-02-04 16:59:55