Microsoft 365 applications using Duo Multi-Factor Authentication

Common questions regarding Duo multi-factor authentication and Microsoft 365.

Why am I experiencing multiple Duo authentication prompts?

Each Microsoft 365 application operates independently with respect to authentication. Each Microsoft 365 authentication event exists on its own timeframe before requiring a new Duo authentication. Coupled together, you may experience sporadic prompts to authenticate with Duo multi-factor authentication.

Will Duo multi-factor authentication prompt bypass NetID authentication?

No. For Microsoft 365 applications, you must first satisfy the user ID and password request. You will then be presented with the Duo multi-factor authentication request.

Understanding how Remember Me in Duo works

In general, Remember Me works as it does in other applications (see How "Remember me" works in Duo multi-factor authentication). However, due to the caching and other modern authentication refresh techniques, you may not be prompted for authentication on a regular basis.


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