Scheduling a Zoom meeting

Use Zoom to schedule either one-time or recurring meetings.


  1. Go to
  2. Select Log In, then when prompted, enter your NetID and NetID password.
  3. From the top bar, click Schedule A Meeting.
  4. Enter the required meeting details: title (Topic), date and time (When).
  5. To schedule a Recurring meeting, check the checkbox to expand scheduling options and modify as appropriate.
  6. Review and modify as appropriate settings for Video and Audio.
  7. Understand and modify the Meeting Options.
    • Enable join before host: Allows users to join the meeting before the host joins.  A meeting has no host controls – mute/unmute, record, lock meeting or remove attendees
    • Mute participants on entry: Prevents attendees joining late from disrupting a meeting that has already started. Attendees joining a meeting with this setting enabled are notified that they are muted upon joining.
    • Enable waiting room: Creates a holding area for participants before joining the meeting. This requires the host to grant access to those in the waiting room.
    • Only authenticated users can join: This requires all meeting attendees to have a Zoom account, or to restrict to Northwestern users only. Otherwise, all other meetings can be joined anonymously without user accounts.
    • Record the meeting automatically: Starts recording the meeting automatically as soon as the host joins.
  8. Determine whether your meeting needs an Alternate Host, and enter their email address. This allows you to designate another Zoom account holder to start the meeting in your absence. The Alternate Host(s) will receive an email with the meeting URL
  9. Click Save to receive an email with connection details that can be sent via email to your participants or added to a meeting invitation in Outlook. Note that using Outlook is recommended because it facilitates attendee scheduling.


Keywords: videoconference conference recurring
Created: 2020-02-25 16:37:05
Updated: 2020-02-25 22:06:36

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