Request to Update or Inactivate ChartField in NUFinancials

You may need to make updates or inactivate a ChartField. To update or inactivate a ChartField, you must submit a ChartField Request form. The process is similar to requesting a new ChartField except you are requesting changes to an existing ChartField.

Navigation: From the NUPortal click Accounting > ChartField Requests. Result: the ChartField Request query screen appears.

Alternative: NUFinancials > ChartField Request tile or Navigator > Set-up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Define Values> ChartField Request > Add a New Value. 

Create a Request to Update a ChartField

To create a request, you must enter Field Name, Field Action and Field Value in Add a New Value. Complete all three fields for Project ID, Department ID, Account Code, Program Code, CF1 Code, and Fund code. 

In this example, we will request an update to a Project ID.


  1. Select the Field Name (type).
  2. Select Field Action as Update.
  3. Enter the Field Value to be updated.
  4. Click Add.

Complete Request Information

To route to approvers, select Submit for Approval in the Request Action drop-down. Click Go or Save to have your request routed. You will be notified if any additional information is required before submission. 

You can make updates to Core Information, Business Justification, and Attributes. You must answer the form question to provide information about the update request.


After submitting the request, the status changes to Pending Approval. Click View Approval Flow to view the status of your submission.


Create a Request to Inactivate a ChartField

To create a request, you must enter Field Name, Field Action and Field Value in Add a New Value. Complete all three fields for Project ID, Department ID, Account Code, Program Code, CF1 Code, and Fund code.

In this example, we will request an inactivate a Project ID. 


  1. Select the Field Name (type).
  2. Select Field Action as Update.
  3. Enter the Field Value to be updated.
  4. Click Add.

Complete Request Information

To route to approvers, select Submit for Approval in the Request Action drop-down. Click Go or Save to have your request routed. You will be notified if any additional information is required before submission. 


  1. Change the end date to the current date.
  2. In the Status drop-down menu, select Inactive.
  3. Complete the applicable questions.
  4. Save and submit the request for approval.

After submitting the request, the status changes to Pending Approval. Click View Approval Flow to view the status of your submission.


Add an Additional Approver or Reviewer

You can add an approver to the workflow, as appropriate.


To add a new approver at a given point in an Approver workflow:

  1. Click on the plus sign between approval gates. A dialog opens where you can add a person to the workflow. You can look the person up by name or NetID. Then select to have the person added as an Approver who must approve the request or a Reviewer who came only review the request.

Note: An Approver has the ability to Approve or Deny the request. A Reviewer may only review the approval workflow.

  1. Enter the User ID for Approver/Reviewer.
  2. Click The new Approver/Reviewer will appear at the point where you have clicked.


  1. Click Save Approval Flow Changes to save your changes. Alternately, you can click the minus sign to delete the approver.
  2. Click Start New Path to place the New Reviewer/Approver at the end of the path.

View Comments

You can view but not edit comments directed toward approvers in the Approval Flow window. To edit comments, click Return and go to the Comments section in the original form.



For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email

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