This guide will walk the User through the options available on the My Requisitions page.
My Requisitions – Getting Started
Edit a Requisition
Who may edit requisitions?
- School/department users with role of Requester.
When is it possible to edit a requisition?
Requisitions can be edited if request status is:
- Open - Saved but not submitted to approval workflow.
- Pending - Awaiting full approvals.
- Approved - Fully approved. Note that approval process is restarted from the beginning when approved requisition is edited.
- Denied - The Requisition has been sent back to the Requester by the Approver for revision or cancellation.
When is it no longer possible to edit a requisition?
Requisitions may no longer be edited if status is:
- PO(s) created
- PO(s) dispatched
- Received / Partially received
- Complete
After editing, do you need to perform budget check?
- Yes. Check budget after making edits that affect price, quantity, or chart string. Performing a budget check after making edits will adjust the pre-encumbrance as necessary.
Editing Approved Requisitions
- After editing an approved requisition, the workflow process will be re-initiated.
Can you edit catalog requisitions?
- You can only edit chart string and ship to information for catalog requisitions. Item description, price, quantity, vendor, category, etc. are transferred from iBuyNU and cannot be changed in NUFinancials.
View Requisition Attachments
- Attached documents can be reviewed after requisitions have been submitted for approval.
- Examples of documents that may be attached are the Bid Documentation form, Sole Source Justification form, or vendor quote.
Cancel a Requisition
When is it possible to cancel a requisition?
If status is:
- Open
- Pending
- Approved
- Denied
When should a requisition be canceled?
- Requisition in a denied status or if the goods or services are no longer needed.
What are the options after a requisition has been sourced into a PO?
- Create PO Change Order Request to change the Quantity, Price, add a line or change Distribution information.
- Submit a PO Change Order Form when you need to cancel a PO Line, Cancel the PO, or Close a PO.
- Apply a receiver to your PO through the Manage Requisitions or Add Update Receipts.
Re-Open a Canceled Requisition
When should a canceled requisition be re-opened?
- If the requisition was canceled in error or if the requisition should have been modified and resubmitted instead of canceled.
When is it possible to re-open a canceled requisition?
- If status is Canceled and requisition is not yet archived outside of system. A requisition can be re-opened only if it has a canceled status. If your canceled requisition has been moved to a complete status, the re-open option is no longer available.
Who is allowed to re-open a canceled requisition?
- Only the originating Requester may re-open a canceled requisition.
Navigate to My Requisitions
Navigation: NUFinancials > Employee Self Service > eProcurement> My Requisitions
Note: Search Results will automatically default with the search criteria of your netID as the Requester, a From Date going back 3 months, and a Request State of "All but Complete".
Search for a Requisition
- To open/update the search criteria, click the Filter icon.

- Enter/update any applicable search criteria such as Date From field, Request State or Requisition ID.
- Click Done.

To Edit a Requisition
- Under Actions, select Edit.

The Requisition Shopping Cart will appear.
- Click the Item Description hyperlink for the desired line to open the item fields for editing.

- Make the necessary edits/updates, click Apply.

- Once all necessary items edits are complete, click Checkout.
- To Edit the Ship To location or chart string, click Schedule Details or Mass Change under Actions. Make your edits and click Done.

- If you have changed any ChartFields or any information affecting the total, such as price or quantity, click Check Budget.
- To view Requisition Attachments, click Header Comments or Line Comments.
- Click Save & Submit.
Cancel a Requisition
Navigation: NUFinancials > Employee Self Service > eProcurement> My Requisitions
Note: Search Results will automatically default with the search criteria of your netID as the Requester, a From Date going back 3 months, and a Request State of "All but Complete".
- Follow the steps in Search for a Requisition.
- Under Actions, select Cancel.

- A pop-up message will appear asking if you are sure that you want to cancel the requisition, click Yes to continue.

You will receive a confirmation message that the requisition has been canceled.
- Click OK and you will then be taken back to the My Requisitions page.
- Once here, you must select Budget Check from the Actions menu.
- Click Yes.
This allows the release of funds that pre-encumbered.
Re-open a Canceled Requisition
Navigation: NUFinancials > Employee Self Service > eProcurement> My Requisitions
Note: Search Results will automatically default with the search criteria of your netID as the Requester, a From Date going back 3 months, and a Request State of "All but Complete".
- Follow the steps in Search for a Requisition.
- Under Actions, select Undo-Cancel.

- A pop-up message will appear asking if you are sure that you want to reopen the requisition, click Yes to continue.
You will receive a confirmation message that the requisition has been canceled.
- Click OK and you will then be taken back to the My Requisitions page.
- Once here, you must select Budget Check from the Actions menu.
- Click Yes.
This allows the for the designated funds to be encumbered.
Viewing Approvals
Navigation: NUFinancials > Employee Self Service > eProcurement> My Requisitions
Note: Search Results will automatically default with the search criteria of your netID as the Requester, a From Date going back 3 months, and a Request State of "All but Complete".
- Follow the steps in Search for a Requisition.
- Under Actions, select View Approval.

A new browser tab will open showing the Approval screen.
- Click Approval Chain.

The Approval Chain page appears.
- Click Multiple Approvers to view the approvers list.

- The Approver Information will be displayed.

View Prints
Navigation: NUFinancials > Employee Self Service > eProcurement> My Requisitions
Note: Search Results will automatically default with the search criteria of your netID as the Requester, a From Date going back 3 months, and a Request State of "All but Complete".
- Follow the steps in Search for a Requisition.
- Under Actions, select View Print.

- A pop-up message will appear asking if you are sure that you want to print the requisition, click Yes to continue.

- A new browser tab with a printable version of the requisition will open.

For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email