Fluid My Requisitions in NUFinancials : View Lifeline (Training Guide)

The Requisition Lifeline allows you to review the current status and underlying detail for the stages of the life cycle of a requisition.

What does a requisition status indicate?

Approved Requisition has been fully approved.

Canceled Requisition was submitted but later canceled

Complete Order has completed its lifeline, been paid, and reconciled.

Denied An approver sent back the requisition. The requisition total is still pre-encumbered, so you need to cancel the requisition or edit and resubmit it.

Open Requisition was saved by Requester but not submitted

PO(s) Created Approved requisition has been sourced into one or more purchase orders (POs).

PO(s) Dispatched PO has been faxed or emailed to supplier.

Partially Received Requisition has been partially received. One or more lines have a remaining quantity or amount to receive.

Pending Requisition has been submitted but not yet approved by all Approvers.

Received Requisition has been completed and payment can be sent to supplier.

Retrieve Requisition

Navigation: NUFinancials > Employee Self Service  > eProcurement> My Requisitions

Note: Search Results will automatically default with the search criteria of your netID as the Requester, a From Date going back 3 months, and a Request State of "All but Complete".

Search for a Requisition

  1. To open/update the search criteria, click the Filter icon.

  1. Enter/update any applicable search criteria such as Date From field, Request State or Requisition ID.
  2. Click Done.


Open Request Lifeline

  1.  To the right of the Requisition, click the Details arrow.

  1. The Requisition Lifeline is displayed.
    • Active icons will be in color, and inactive icons will be greyed out (dimmed).
    • Active icons will have an active Link, which is indicated by the icon title being underlined. For example, the Requisition, Approvals and Purchase Orders icons have an active link.

Review the Requisition Lifeline

Reading from left to right -- current status is the active icon and link furthest to the right. In our example, Purchase Orders is the last colored (and active) icon and link.

View Requisition or Approval Workflow

If the Requisition link in Request Lifeline is active, click it to view additional information. You can review more detail about the item description, purchase order and distribution (chart strings). Requisition Lines will expand (click the triangle) and display shipping and accounting details.

If the Approvals link in Request Lifeline is active, click it to review which levels of workflow have been complete and which levels are still outstanding. You can also see if an approver has denied or sent back a transaction and review related comments/reasons.

Locate Purchase Order number

If the Purchase Order link in Request Lifeline is active, click the Purchase Orders icon to view the PO Number and additional information.

View Receiving or Receipts

If the Receiving link in Request Lifeline is active, click the Receiving icon to view additional information about specific receipts and to assess any missing receipts. In our example, the Receiving is not active.

A single receipt number is created for all items received in one session. Multi-line requisitions will contain multiple receipt numbers if some items are received in separate sessions. Click the receipt icon to view receipt details.

View Invoice (Voucher)

If the Invoice link in Request Lifeline is active, click the Invoice icon to view additional information. Invoice in this case refers to the NU internal voucher created by Accounts Payable when an invoice is received. Use the voucher number as a reference if you need to contact AP for more information about the invoice. To view invoice number, go to Payments link in Request Lifeline. You can also see the Match Rule and Match Status for the requisition. In our example, both the Invoice link and Payments link are not active.

View Payments

If the Payments link in Request Lifeline is active, click the Payments icon to view the NU Check number, Payment Date, number of days outstanding (not cashed), payment address, payment method, invoice number and dollar amount.

View Posted Credits

If the Invoice link in Request Lifeline is active, click the Invoice icon. You are looking for a negative amount in the amount field in the PO Voucher Lines section. In the example, Invoice is not active.


For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email consultant@northwestern.edu.


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