This training guide describes how and when to use Mass Change and Requisition Defaults as shortcuts when creating requisitions.
What is Mass Change?
Mass Change is a function used to distribute the change for existing values or defaults found in requisition lines. Use this function to:
- Overwrite existing values or defaults that you previously entered.
- Overwrite existing values that the system supplies as defaults.
- Add a new value to multiple lines.
- Click on Actions and select Mass Change.

- In the Shipping Information section, enter the Ship To code.

- In the Distribution Information section, enter the Chart String Account code under Chartfields1.

- Click Chartfields2 to apply the Chart String Fund Code and Dept ID.

- If applicable, click Chartfields3 to apply the Chart String Project ID, Activity code and/or Chartfield1.

- Click Done.
- When adding multiple chartstrings, for the Apply Distribution Changes drop-down, select Replace Distribution Lines.

- A pop-up message appears regarding applying changes to selected lines. Click Yes.

In addition, Mass Change:
- Is used for both catalog and non-catalog requisitions.
- Must be specified each time you create a requisition.
- Includes the ability to enter chart string one time and apply it to multiple line items.
Caution: It is highly recommended that the use of defaults be limited to Shipping and Chart Strings. Defaults placed in fields other than Ship To and chart strings may cause the system to remove the Vendor Catalog ID field data. After using defaults, check if the Vendor Catalog ID field is still populated.
What is a default?
A default is a value you set one time so you don't have to enter it multiple times.
When does it make sense to use a default?
Use defaults if you are creating a requisition for multiple items and all or most items have the same values in common. For example, if all or most items ship to the same location and to the attention of the same person, set Ship To and Attention as defaults.
What are Requisition Defaults?
Used for non-catalog requisitions only. Must be specified each time you create a non-catalog requisition. Does not include the ability to set chart string defaults.
Requisition Defaults
Navigation: NUFinancials > My Homepage > Employee Self Service > eProcurement > Create Requisition
- Click the Requisition Defaults link. The Requisition Defaults window opens.

- Update the desired fields in Line Defaults, Shipping Defaults and Distribution Defaults.
- Note: Line Defaults should only be used for non-catalog requisitions.

- Click Done.
Requisition Defaults must be used with extreme care or they could end up in unexpected places and replacing legitimate values. This could result in having to identify and replace all of the incorrect values individually.
For more information, please see the Requisitions Defaults section in the Appendix of the Fluid Non-Catalog Requisitions in NUFinancials (Training Guide).
When to Use Mass Change and Requisition Defaults
When does it make sense to use Mass Change?
Use Mass Change for any type of requisition when you want to add new values or overwrite existing values or defaults. Use also to apply a single chart string to multiple line items. (NOTE: For modifications to fields other than Ship To and chart strings, the system may remove the Vendor Catalog ID field data. Check if the Vendor Catalog ID field is still populated.)
When does it make sense to use Requisition Defaults?
Use Line Defaults if you are creating a non-catalog requisition for multiple line items and, for example, the same Unit of Measure (e.g., each or milligrams) applies to all line items. All other defaults available in Line Defaults are also available in Mass Change.
Can you use both Requisition Defaults and Mass Change in the same requisition?
Yes. For example, you could set defaults for Ship To, Unit of Measure, and Attention using Requisition Defaults, then apply the same chart string to all line items using Mass Change.
Requisition Defaults (for non-catalog requisitions only)
- The same defaults available in Requisition Defaults are available in Mass Change -- with the exception of Unit of Measure which is only available in Line Defaults.
Mass Change (for catalog and non-catalog requisitions)
- May be used for catalog or non-catalog requisitions.
- All fields display as blank on the Mass Change page.
- Data defaulted by the system or previously entered by user is retained but does not display.
- If you enter data on the Mass Change page, what you enter will replace or overwrite any other previously entered or defaulted data when you click Done.
Mass Change (Non-Catalog Requisitions)
When looking up a category, select the categories in CAPITAL LETTERS, not the categories which begin with a number.
For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email