Logging Into Canvas with Multi-Factor Authentication

Tags Canvas

Northwestern's multi-factor authentication process is required to log in to Canvas (among other services). The following steps will show how to move through the multi-factor authentication process to access Canvas.

Steps to Access Canvas

*Note: If you are a member of OLLI, an affiliate, or a guest of Northwestern and have a NetID, but do not have an @u. or @northwestern.edu email address, please use [your NetID]@ads.northwestern.edu for this step, i.e., abc123@ads.northwestern.edu, and then continue with the steps as listed below.

  • Next, the "Northwestern Online Passport" page will appear. The email address you entered on the previous screen will already be populated in the NetID/email address field. You will need to enter your NetID password in the password field.


  • The Duo Universal Prompt screen will appear, prompting you to complete authentication on your pre-selected device.
  • Complete authentication through your device.

  • Be sure to select "Yes, trust browser" on the Universal Prompt screen after approving the authentication request on your device to limit the number of times these full steps will be required.

  • Canvas will continue to function normally once you have authenticated into the applications.

Tips for Success

  • Use the Duo Mobile app [iPhoneAndroid] to ensure you can always access the Northwestern systems that use MFA. This includes generating an offline code for when you are traveling or without internet access on your mobile device.
  • Duo Push via the app is the fastest and most convenient way to authenticate.
  • To switch to Duo Push, change your selection under “My Settings & Devices” on the Duo management page. For assistance, contact your local IT support or the Northwestern IT Service Desk at servicedesk@northwestern.edu or 847-491-4357 (1-HELP).
  • Use the “Remember Me” feature to reduce the number of times you are prompted to authenticate. Understand how “Remember Me works.

For general questions about Duo MFA, please visit the Northwestern IT Knowledge Base

You may contact the Northwestern IT Service Desk at servicedesk@northwestern.edu or 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) to request support.

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Thu 1/12/23 5:01 PM
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