Eduroam CAT Installer for Linux

If you are experiencing issues connecting to eduroam please use the following installer to automatically configure your device to connect to eduroam.


  1. Forget or delete any listed eduroam network on your device. 
  2. Go to eduroam CAT
  3. Tap Click here to download your eduroam installer 
  4. Select Northwestern University from the list of institutions.
  5.  Download the CAT installer for our institution from, this will download a python script and this may not run on its own.
  6.  Open up a terminal window and locate where python is installed, this can be done by running the command whereis python
  7.  Browse to where python is installed and run python[version] /home/[user]/Downloads/[downloaded installer file i.e. python3 ~/Downloads/
  8.  Follow prompts and enter your user credentials when prompted
  9.  Join the Eduroam wireless network



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Article ID: 2492
Fri 10/27/23 2:24 PM
Tue 10/31/23 10:20 AM

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