Find All SharePoint Sites I'm a Member Of

Tags sharepoint

This is a search query that can be completed from the search box from the Microsoft 365 home page, the OneDrive app or the SharePoint app online.  The results of this query will return a list of all SharePoint sites that you have access to.  

To perform the search

  1. Browse to and log in with your Northwestern credentials.
  2. In the search box at the top enter contentclass:STS_Site 
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. A list of all sites you have access to is displayed.  You may have to click on "Search the whole organization for contentclass:STS_Site" link if no results are found.  Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)







Additional information:  How can I see a list of all SharePoint sites I'm a member of? - Microsoft Q&A

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