Throughout the spring quarter, the SESP technology team will be working on a number of privacy and information security related deployments and migrations.
Unfortunately, persistent, sophisticated attacks on personal and institutional privacy are the new normal.
The recent incident at Lurie Children's Hospital underscores the critical importance of Northwestern's ongoing data security initiatives.
At this point in the quarter most SESP Mac users have been migrated to the new JAMF management platform.
Thank you to everyone for your assistance in helping us complete this important technology upgrade.
Next up for Mac users is the deployment of the Tenable vulnerability management agent.
For all Mac users, we will be automatically installing this new security software over the next few weeks.
No action is required on your part, Tenable will be installed automatically on Mac computers. You will see an alert like this:

For all Windows users, we will be manually installing both Tenable and our new Windows management platform MECM over the next several weeks.
We will reach out, via the service desk, to all Windows users to schedule a convenient time for the installation.
Per Northwestern policy, all university-owned endpoint devices are required to run these new tools.
The purpose of these software packages is to help find, prioritize and ameliorate data security risks.
The ultimate goal is to help protect the privacy of all staff, faculty, and institutional data.
Additional information regarding these recent policy changes and privacy protecting tools is available @ Data Security and Device Management @ SESP
If you have any question regarding these changes or any other technology matter please open a ticket and our team will get back to you ASAP.
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