Requesting and approving NetID administrator privileges

NU Validate allows employees to request NetID Administrator privileges. These requests will be sent to the NetID Certifiers for that school or department, to approve or deny.

Request Process

Visit and login. To request NetID Administrator access, click on the "Request NetID Administrator Access" card.

Enter your school or department name in the box and click the magnifying glass icon to search. If you can't find your school or department, you can leave the box empty and click the magnifying glass to see a list of all schools/departments.


Click the checkmark box in the top left corner and wait a moment for it to change color. Then click the "Next" button. You can submit more than one Access Request if necessary.

Click the "Submit" button.

Approval Process

Once submitted, the Access Request will result in an email sent to the relevant certifier with a text description of the steps required to grant or deny the request. This certification process begins on the NU Validate homepage, by expanding the My Work menu and selecting Work Items.

You will see the request in the list of pending requests. To approve or deny the request, click the `View >` button on the right.

This will bring you to the Approval page, which will give you the option to Approve / Deny All of the requests, or to Approve / Deny each request individually.

Approving or denying the request/s will open a confirmation window asking you to complete the approval or cancel to change your decision. Cancelling will bring you back to the same page as depicted above.

Clicking Complete will process the request. The new privileges will be available to use within 5 minutes under normal conditions. The Work Items page will refresh and you should not see that request anymore.

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Article ID: 2585
Wed 4/3/24 2:39 PM
Wed 4/10/24 11:15 AM