REDCap Single Sign-On (SSO) Server FAQ

  • What is the web page for the REDCap SSO server?
  • Does the new server require affiliate NetIDs for external users?
    • If your external users are affiliated with an institution that leverages InCommon.  You can check the InCommon site here: to view all of the institutions. If you have external users that are not a part of InCommon, then Northwestern affiliated NetIDs will still be required.
    • If your institution has not accessed the REDCap SSO server yet, you will need to fill out the External Organization Onboarding Form. You will not be able to see the website until you do this.
  • Can the new REDCap server be used for CFR Part 11 projects?
    • It is not configured for CFR Part 11 projects, but will be in the future. We will notify our users once the new server is ready for these projects. 
  • Are external modules available on the new server?
  • What is happening to the current REDCap server?
  • How do I request my project migration to the new InCommon server? 


Please see our comparison table below for the differences between the two servers:

  Current REDCap Instance New REDCap Instance
Requires NU NETID to login  
InCommon login for external collaborators  
External Modules Can be requested
NU REDCap Support Team
Twilio (SMS) Will be available in the future 
FlightTracker Can be requested
CFR Part 11 Compliance Capability Will be available in the future 


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