Finish an Ad Hoc Document for NUFinancials Supplier Contracts


If an Ad Hoc contract has been routed internally for collaboration, the contract can then be sent for external collaboration with the supplier if necessary. This may take place in a single or multiple rounds of collaboration. Once collaboration has completed, all contracts are submitted for approval. Ad Hoc contracts may be attached to the transactional contract for collaboration and signatures.


Step 1: Find an Existing Document

Navigation: NUFinancials > Navigator > Supplier Contracts > Create Contracts and Documents > Document Management

Tip: Click 3 Bar Action List icon > Add to Favorites > OK


  1. Click Find an Existing Document.
  2. Select a Source Transaction: Ad Hoc. Enter additional search criteria as needed.
  3. Click Search.
  4. From the Search Results, click on the Document Keys link of the Contract ID you wish to open. This takes you to the Document Management page.


Step 2: Document Management

Finalize Internal Collaboration (if routed)

  1. Once Internal Collaboration has completed, click Finalize Collaboration.


External Collaboration (optional)

  1. To send for external collaboration with the supplier, click Send to Contacts.
  • If the Ad Hoc document was attached to the Transactional contract, you may send them together for external collaboration.


  1. Select Delivery Method: Email (follow steps B-G, below) or Manual (Click OK, send offline, manually),
  2. Select Send as File Type: Word, XML.
  3. Select Files to Be Sent options:
    • Current Document (always)
    • Set to Checked Out (always)
    • Send Copy to Administrator (optional)
  4. Enter Description (body of email). Provide the supplier with your contact information.
  5. Enter supplier Contacts information. 
    • Click the Selected checkbox.
    • Enter supplier contact’s Name, Title (optional) and Email ID.
    • Click + (plus sign) to add additional contacts (as needed).
  6. Click OK.
    • The supplier will receive an email with your attachment.
    • The supplier will respond as you specified with your contact info in Description, above.
    • Review any changes made via Review Document Modifications & Versions.



  1. Check in document with supplier’s changes. (or Cancel Check Out if there are no supplier changes).
  1. Select Version changes; Minor Version (0.01) (small re-writes, cosmetic) or Major Version (1.00) (recreated, new attachment).
  2. Enter Check In Comments.
  3. Click Ok.
  4. Browse and Upload your saved file. 
  • The file name must exactly match the document you downloaded for editing.
  • “Checking In” a document does not automatically delete the file you saved to your computer. 
  • Manually delete an old file before saving a new version. 
  • Send document back for additional internal/external collaboration (as needed).



Submit for Approval

  1. Click Submit for Approval. Then click Return to Document Management.
  • Ad Hoc documents will automatically be approved by NUFinancials (if no edits have been made).
  • Upon approval, the document’s Status changes from "Collaborated" or “Draft” to “Approved”.


Send for Signatures and Complete Document


  1. Obtain Click Prepare and Route for e-Signature.


  1. Enter the contact’s Email Address, User (NetID if internal), Recipient Name, and Sign Order.
  2. Click + (plus sign) to add additional contacts (as needed).
  3. Select Carbon Copy checkbox if you would like that additional contact to receive a signed copy of the final document.
  4. Select External Signer if contact is not internal.
  5. Enter a Subject and Message which will appear in e-Signature email notification (sample is shown below).
  6. Click Send.



  1. Sender will receive email notifications throughout the signing process including when the document is fully signed.


  1. Fully signed document will automatically upload back to Document Management in NUFinancials. Click View Document to review.
  1. If this does not seem to have occurred, expand the Signing Details
  2. Click Get e-Signature Status.


  1. Click Execute Contract

Appendix A: Review Document Modifications & Versions

Use Document Modification Summary to review a summary of the latest changes between document versions.

Navigation: NUFinancials > Navigator > Supplier Contracts > Create Contracts and Documents > Document Management > Find an Existing Document > Select Document Keys/Contract ID

  1. Click Find an Existing Document.



  1. Select a Source Transaction: Ad Hoc. Enter additional search criteria as needed.
  2. Click Search.
  3. From the Search Results, click on the Document Keys link of the Contract ID you wish to open. This takes you to the Document Management page.


  1. Click Document Modification Summary to compare most recent and earliest document versions side by side.
  • Each time that a contract is edited and checked in, the system tracks and displays a summary of the changes on this page. When the changes pertain to clauses, you can use this page to help determine which clause changes in a document require workflow approval.


  1. Click Document Version History to review document versions, comments and answers to document wizard questions.


  • Click on a Version number to open that version of the document in Microsoft word. Open versions individually.
  • Click the Details icon  to view details such as collaboration comments and answers to document wizard questions.
  • Click the Comments tab to view document check-in comments (when a document has been edited).


For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email




Article ID: 1168
Thu 5/12/22 1:38 PM
Fri 7/7/23 2:43 PM