How to Obtain MATLAB


Students, Researchers, and Faculty who have an active NetID can obtain access to MATLAB by signing into the Northwestern MATLAB Portal.

All Users

  1. Go to Northwestern University’s MATLAB Portal.
  2. Scroll down to "Sign-in to Get Started."
  3. Enter your Northwestern e-mail in the e-mail field and click “Next.”
  4. This will prompt you to Sign-in to Northwestern’s Online Passport. Enter your NetID and password to continue.
  5. Click "Download Installer" to get started.


License Types

Individual License

This will be the most commonly used license. You can install and run the software on multiple computers.

Concurrent License

A Concurrent license enables you to make MATLAB available to anyone with access to your shared server. This is ideal for classroom or lab use. Reach out to your school specific admin with questions about how to obtain access or setup this for your students.

Designated License

This is the least commonly used license. This license can be used in the case you want to use MATLAB offline machine. If you are an affiliate this is the only license you will be able to use to access MATLAB.


Updating Your MATLAB License

Every year when the Northwestern MATLAB license is renewed at the end of October, some steps are required in order to update your individual license.  The following Mathworks resources outline the actionable steps that need to be taken by each MATLAB license holder:

School Specific MATLAB Admin

The MATLAB license expires annually in October. You will receive an email once the license renewal is ready.  You’ll need to ensure to perform the steps outlined in the email in order to retain access before your current enabled license expiration date. Questions regarding your MATLAB access can be directed to your school specific MATLAB Admin:





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Wed 9/14/22 12:33 PM
Wed 3/13/24 9:06 AM