The SPSS software suite is a complete statistical toolkit. SPSS software modules offered for Windows,  Mac, and Linux operating systems include:

  • Advanced Statistics
  • Boot Strapping
  • Categories
  • Classification Trees
  • Conjoint
  • Custom Tables
  • Data Preparation
  • Direct Marketing (RFM Analysis)
  • Exact Tests (Windows Only)
  • Forecasting
  • Missing Values
  • Regression
  • Statistics Base
  • Trends (Original)
  • Tables (Original)


  • To order SPSS or renew a license, visit Northwestern's software provider, CDW-G, through iBuyNU.
  • To view a complete list of modules and Set of Tools, visit SPSS.
  • For modules not listed above, order directly from SPSS.

Install and License

  • Eligible users — This software is for use by full-time faculty and staff of Northwestern University for University purposes. Per the contractual relationship, this does not include teaching hospitals or other independent organizations affiliated with the University. Additionally, in accordance with the SPSS license agreement, use in any hospital, clinic or other like facility is expressly prohibited.
  • Software must be installed on computers owned, leased, and controlled by Northwestern University.
  • The license period for SPSS begins December 1 and expires November 30 of each academic year. Those who purchase an annual license will be eligible for free upgrades from SPSS until November 30 of that same academic year.
  • Due to the annual renewal, Northwestern IT advises against purchasing a license in October or November, unless project needs cannot be delayed until the new fiscal year's license availability.


SPSS for Students

The SPSS software suite is a complete statistical toolkit. SPSS products offered by Northwestern IT's software provider include:

  • SPSS 29 for Windows Graduate Pack




Install and License



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Wed 9/14/22 1:28 PM
Wed 1/3/24 1:26 PM