Pandemic Essentials: Research on Campus Training

All research-related personnel who will physically be returning to the University campus are required to complete the Pandemic Essentials training. The course will provide information on the phased return to campus as well as guidance on the new norms of work and social interaction on campus.


In order to better assist you, it is important to determine how you are affiliated with the University:

1.  If you are an active staff or faculty member who does not have a research-related role, see the Return to Campus knowledge base article.

2. If you are in a research-related role at the University, this article will guide you through steps to take the Pandemic Essentials training that is managed by the Office of Research.

  • If you are a research affiliate, you will need to apply for POI (person outside the institution) access. That form is available here:
    • Select ‘Research Safety’ as training type.
    • If you had a Northwestern NETID or EMPLID in the past, you must include that information on the form or your form may be delayed in processing.
    • POI request processing takes five days.
  • If your POI access has been approved or you already have access to myHR Learn, you can access the course from the direct link here:  
  • If you are experiencing issues with the course within myHR Learn, please see the FAQ section below


FAQ's for the COVID-19: Returning to Campus training in myHR Learn:

  • Why do I need to take the training? The Pandemic Essentials: Research on Campus course outlines practices for returning to campus and is mandatory for all researchers prior to returning to campus research activity. 
  • How is the course best viewed?  Course is best viewed while on a personal computer. In general, this course is not mobile-compatible.
  • Is there a preferred browser? Firefox or Chrome is recommended.
  • Are there any special browser configurations needed?  Yes, ensure browser pop-up blocker is disabled.  Please see this page for info on how to disable your pop-up blocker.
  • If I am assigned Pandemic Essentials, do I also need to take the Return to Campus training? No. Completion of only one of the courses is required. For example, if faculty or staff have been assigned and completed the Pandemic Essentials training, then they are not required to take the Return to Campus training.



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Article ID: 1090
Thu 5/12/22 12:38 PM
Thu 2/16/23 3:42 PM