Use Supplier Contract Workbench to Search for Contracts in NUFinancials

This Job Aid will provide the steps you should take to search for Supplier Contracts created in or uploaded to NUFinancials.


Navigate to the Supplier Contracts Workbench

  1. Log in to the NUFinancials
  2. Click Navigator in the NavBar
  3. Click Supplier Contracts
  4. Click Supplier Contract Workbench

Step 1: Expand All Sections

Expand all sections within the workbench so that all available search fields are viewable.

  1. Click the triangles next to the Document Attributes and Additional Contract Attributes to expand and view all search fields.


Step 2: Once the sections are expanded, all of the possible search criteria fields will be viewable:


  1. Enter in the applicable search criteria to locate the desired contracts, recommended searches may include:
    • Supplier ID, Supplier Name, Buyer, Department
  1. Click Search to view search results:



Step 3: Identify Contract & View Lifecycle

  1. Identify desired contract in the Search Results and click the triangle to the far left to expand to view the contract lifecycle.


  1. Identify any information from the contract lifecycle that may be valuable or click on any of the live links such as Document Management or Attachments/Related Documents to go to those pages.
  2. Take any necessary action on the contract.


For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email

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Article ID: 1164
Thu 5/12/22 12:38 PM
Mon 9/30/24 10:50 AM