Getting the CATracks reports I need

You may have questions about where to get certain data: can this come from CATracks? Should it be done in the BI tool? Does it need to be an ad-hoc request? Here are some questions to help you figure it out.


Ad-hoc Data Request

  • Are you looking for the absence of information? (i.e., people who haven’t given to Northwestern in a specific timeframe)
  • Are you looking for a sum of giving?
  • Are you looking for mailing list information?

If so, submit an ad-hoc data request, which a report programmer will complete.

To submit an ad-hoc request, fill out the request form, available here: "Reporting & Analytics"

Cognos BI Tool

  • Are you trying to identify metrics over time, such as participation or giving rates, or make projections about what might be expected to happen, based on historical patterns?

This type of data is available in the Cognos BI Tool. You can request training and find more information via the same link as for the report request at "Reporting & Analytics".

CATracks Advanced Lookups

  • Are you trying to identify information such as gifts given to a school, event attendance, committee membership?

You can find this and other information in CATracks using Advanced Lookups, as well as the numerous available canned reports.

Speak with your local SSR for help with Advanced Lookups and use of CATracks reports.

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