myHR Learn Course Not Marking Complete (or Pending Action)

You have taken a training or class in myHR Learn and the status is still incomplete.

Try these steps when the web-based class you have taken in myHR Learn isn't being marked complete:

  • Clear the browser's cookies and cache and ensure that third party cookies are enabled:
  • Use a different browser to access the course from the one that was used when completing the course.
  • Use an incognito browser window to launch the course.
  • Re-launch the web/video course (do not Re-take) and make sure you click the "x" in the top of the pop-up that the video/class is appearing in.  Avoid clicking the "x" in the browser or browser tab until the course is marked "Complete."
Once the above is followed, return to the course page and navigate to the end of the course. You should be notified that the course has been completed and that you can exit the page.

If the issue is still not resolved, refer the user the course owner listed on the course page. Clicking on the owner contact should display the owner's contact information. The course owner is able to manually adjust completion status for a course.

Common course contacts are listed below:

If the course says that it is "Pending Action" then it is waiting for you to complete an evaluation.  Follow these steps to access the evaluation:

  1. Login into myHR Learn and click on the Course Name on your home page.
  2. Once on the course page, scroll down to the class you took and click "View Details."
  3. The page will reload with several details.  Scroll down to the Evaluations section and click "Launch."  Fill out the evaluation and Submit it, and the course will be marked complete

Keywords: pending in-progress learn can't update wbt video myHR complete
Created: 2020-02-10 22:24:37
Updated: 2022-02-11 14:55:32

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