PerfectForms™ Application Security

The systems architecture of PerfectForms™ has been designed with optimal security built-in from the
ground up. All communications channels have been encrypted using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer),
effectively preventing replay attacks. All user input is white list validated, which prevents SQL injection
even in cases of escaped alternate encodings like Unicode. During communication between client and
server, our application uses a HTTPS (HTML Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer) session with
128-bit encryption.

Adding more security to PerfectForms™ SSL is the use of custom keys. All user sessions have a custom
key for each request and PerfectForms™ sends a unique response key for each request. Each generated
key is used only once in order to guard against automated load attacks.

Because systems are only as secure as their weakest link, real product security is achieved by
implementing processes around product development and deployment, and a culture of security is
important to maintaining security over time. At PerfectForms™, we understand that security is an
ongoing process and we have taken steps to ensure that it is a core competency of our company. We
have periodic developer training on security best practices.

We adhere to rigorous certification processes to maintain this standard. All code undergoes a peer
review process, which can reveal simple and complex security assumptions. Our entire code-base
undergoes continuous testing and daily automated testing using multiple simulated user environments
and network configurations. This approach catches potential timing, processor speed, memory and
network related vulnerabilities. In addition, our code undergoes third-party static analysis nightly which
can reveal a host of potential security vulnerabilities including buffer overflows, user input validation or
memory management issues. Our subsystem and deployment architectures undergo periodic review by
an internal panel of experts. Finally, we employ a lightweight, rapid development process that allows us
to quickly detect, correct and deploy fixes for any software vulnerabilities.

The PerfectForms™ Web servers are protected via firewall. This prevents compromise through
management channels, as only ports 80, 443 and 1935 are open for TCP communication. The Web
servers are updated whenever a patch is available and a roll-back mechanism is in place to make sure
any bad patches can be quickly reverted. The Web servers are also behind a load balancer, meaning
servers are rotated in and out of service as needed, ensuring continuous service even during
maintenance. In addition, load balancing allows any server with unusual behavior to be isolated rapidly
and removed from service.

Backend servers are further isolated from the Internet and will only respond to requests from known,
authenticated, internal Web servers. This includes mail servers, SQL servers and the Flash media servers.
These servers are not directly accessible and are also protected by firewall and load balancing.

Any Web application which results in the generation of e-mail will be attacked by spammers looking for
an open mail relay. PerfectForms™ has been designed to prevent compromise of the mail server. The
mail server is protected by a firewall that blocks all incoming requests to the mail server. The firewall
only allows outbound mail and the mail server only accepts authenticated mail requests from firewall
protected, internal Web servers. These mail requests must have the right credentials and type of data to
be accepted. Mass mail requests – both e-mails with too many destinations and e-mails repeated with
only the "To:" address changed – can be blocked and will not propagate.

Finally, the database is further isolated from direct external visibility. It is only accessible via secure
private channel within the network and known, specified systems (Web servers). Packets from all other
hosts are dropped by the firewall before they even get to the database. This helps prevent side channel
attacks because the databases are only accessible to the SQL server via direct, known channels. The
client data on the forms database is in a protected, masked format that cannot be read by the human

PerfectForms™ utilizes industry best practices to help ensure the security of its client is not
compromised. PerfectForms™ has been designed to eliminate many threats and limit exposure to other
threats. While no useful Web product can ever be assumed "100% secure", PerfectForms™ strikes a
strong balance, offering an easy-to-use product that protects its users from detectable vulnerabilities.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

PerfectForms provides a SAAS platform for creating online forms and approval workflows. Because of its simple interface, a developer is not required for designing or implementing a workflow. It is recommended when the form and workflow do not require complex integrations or document management.