CERES: Respond to a Just-In-Time (JIT) or Similar Request


Respond to a Just-In-Time (JIT) or Similar Request

Note: The attachments contain a job aid related to this article.

When a sponsor requests updated information for a submitted funding proposal, such as the NIH Just-In-Time (JIT), both the RA and SR will perform steps in CERES. The RA can initiate the process by informing SR of the updated information/JIT request. This topic explains how to update the funding proposal in such cases.

To respond to a Just-In-Time request

  1. Once the RA learns that a JIT request was received and the PI plans to respond, search for the funding proposal on one of the Grants Funding Proposal pages. Click the name of the funding proposal to open the workspace.
  2. From the funding proposal workspace, click Send Grants Status Update. In the Send Grants Status Update window:
    • Select JIT Info Requested as the grants status.
    • Click Add to attach the sponsor notification or request
    • Click OK

The proposal transitions from the Pending Sponsor Review state to the Proposal Status Confirmation state. The assigned SR Specialist receives a notification of the Grants Status Update and the proposal appears in their CERES Inbox assigns the Associate SRO for that capsule as the Specialist.

  1. From the funding proposal workspace, SR clicks JIT Changes Required and clicks OK in the resulting form.

The funding proposal transitions to the JIT Response Required state and becomes editable. It appears in the RAs CERES inbox, and the system sends an email notification to the PI and RA. If the funding proposal has Yes checked for human or animal subjects on the Compliance Review page of the SmartForm, the compliance office staff also receives an email notification. 

Note: If the study team hasn't already initiated protocol submissions for projects including human or animal subjects, they should initiate that process now. Consult the IRB and IACUC websites for more information and guidance.

  1. From the funding proposal workspace, the RA clicks Edit Funding Proposal to make the updates requested by the sponsor. Open the budget and click Edit Budget on the budget workspace if changes were requested to the budget.

Note: Do not upload the JIT documents to the funding proposal SmartForm. Attach a single PDF of the documents in the next step.

  1. When the RA is finished making the changes to the funding proposal, the RA clicks Submit JIT Response on the funding proposal workspace to submit the changes to SR.

Note: Upload a single PDF of the JIT documents to this activity window. 

The funding proposal transitions to the Pending Sponsor Review Award Anticipated state. It appears in the SR Specialist’s CERES inbox. The system sends an email notification to the SR Specialist. 

  1. SR reviews the JIT changes made by the RA. If SR requires additional changes, SR re-executes the process by clicking JIT Changes Required. It reappears in the RAs CERES inbox, and an email notification is sent to the PI and RA.
  2. If no additional changes are required, SR clicks Send Email on the funding proposal workspace to notify the RA that documents can be uploaded to the external sponsor system. Add an email subject line, select at least one group of recipients, and add comments to be included in the email notification. Click OK.

The user is returned to the funding proposal workspace and can move forward with the sponsors JIT response process.

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