Mapping your Research Data Storage Service (RDSS) share as a network drive

This article describes how to map your RDSS share as a network drive on your computer.

When to map

Consider mapping your share as a network drive when:

  • You use the computer to access your share/folder regularly 
  • You want your computer to automatically reconnect to RDSS if the connection is disrupted.
  • Storing your NetID and password on the computer you're using is safe. For example, when you're the only one who uses the computer or you log in with a unique user name and password that no one else has.

When not to map

Consider establishing a temporary connection when

  • You don't use the computer to access the data often
  • You're connecting to the share/folder on a computer with a group login. For example, a computer attached to an instrument in a core facility that has one user name and password for everyone.

In this case, we suggest using the instructions in Connecting to a Research Data Storage Service share. After you're done with your work use the instructions in Disconnecting from a Research Data Storage Service (RDSS) share to remove access to your share.  

Setup instructions

Follow these operating specific instructions to map your RDSS share or FSMResfiles folder as a network drive. 




Email if you have questions or need help using RDSS.

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