Northwestern Print: ​Release Options: Touchless Print Release Using a Mobile Device​

​​View the Ricoh FAQ and Training Videos to learn more about using the MFD features. 

​QR Code Print Release 

​First you need to register your phone or mobile device to Northwestern Print. 
  1. ​Make sure your device is connected to the eduroam WiFi network

  1. ​From your mobile device, click this link: 

  1. ​Instructions should appear to register your mobile device.  

​Once your mobile device has been registered, you can use it to authenticate  
  1. ​Send a print job to Northwestern Print. 

  1. ​Open the camera on your mobile device. 

  1. ​Point the camera at the QR Code on the Northwestern Print MFD. 

  1. ​Click on the tab that appears at the top of your phone. 

  1. ​Enter your NetID and Password. 

  1. ​Select Login. 

  1. ​Select the print jobs you would like to release. 

  1. ​Select Release. 

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Article ID: 2379
Fri 7/28/23 2:44 PM
Wed 8/2/23 11:11 AM