Getting Help with LabArchives ELN for Research

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Northwestern University researchers have access to the professional edition of LabArchives Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) for research through a site license. Depending on what you need help with, there are two places to go: 

  1. If you need help with using the ELN, including training, or anything to do with the LabArchives website or interface, email and LabArchives staff will help you. They are available 24 hours a day during weekdays and on a reduced schedule on weekends. 
  2. If you have questions about Northwestern's site license, including site-wide settings and policies and procedures specific to Northwestern, please email and Northwestern IT staff will get back to you during normal business hours. 

If your ticket ends up in the wrong place, we will work to get you to the right person. However, following these guidelines will get you the fastest service. 

Also see our Research Data Management Guide for links to all of our help articles.

Research Data Management Support at Northwestern University 

Research computing data services partners with the Office for Research, University Libraries and Galter Health Sciences Library to provide research data management support throughout the research process. Please see the Research Data Management and Sharing page for more information

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Article ID: 2509
Wed 11/15/23 4:04 PM
Wed 7/17/24 5:13 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

LabArchives electronic research notebook platform. LabArchives is a cloud-based service designed as an analog to a paper notebook.