Starting November 18, all Quest users are invited to test and run their workflows in a RHEL8 pilot environment to prepare for Quest moving completely to RHEL8 in March 2025. We invite researchers to provide us with feedback during the pilot by contacting the Research Computing and Data Services team at The pilot environment will consist of 24 H100 GPU nodes and seventy-two CPU nodes, and it will expand with additional nodes through March 2025. Details on how to access this pilot environment will be published in a KB article on November 18.
Research computing data services partners with the Office for Research, University Libraries and Galter Health Sciences Library to provide research data management support throughout the research process. Please see the Research Data Management and Sharing page for more information.
The Research Data Storage Service allows researchers to purchase fast, reliable data storage they can mount on their computer. See the following links for more information.
The Globus data transfer tool provides a fast and reliable way to transfer data between specified Northwestern storage systems and other Globus collections across the world. See the following links for more information.
The Electronic Research Notebook Service (ERNS) allows any Northwestern researcher to use the LabArchives platform to store research notes and attachments, providing a permanent record of their research process.
Northwestern University subscribes to Dryad, a generalist data repository that NU researchers can use to share their research data at no cost to them. see the following links for more information.