Log In Error - No Access to NUFinancials

If you were redirected to this page while attempting to access NUFinancials, the NetID you are currently logged in with does not have access.

You may be encountering this issue because:

  1. You're logged in with an organizational/department NetID.
  2. You're logged in with a non-Northwestern affiliate ID (e.g. nm.org).
  3. You're a student, temporary employee, or an affiliate who has not yet been granted access.

If you're using Chrome, FireFox or any other browser besides Microsoft Edge, please click here to log out and attempt to log in again with your personal Northwestern NetID.

If you're using Microsoft Edge, navigate to the upper-right corner of your browser window to select the icon that represents your current profile. It may look like a blank silhouette, a letter, or a custom image you've already added. Selecting this icon will open a drop-down menu. Switch to your personal Northwestern profile, or select "other profiles" and choose browse as a guest.  Otherwise, you can use an "InPrivate window" to ensure that you're able to log in with you own NetID.

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