Note: The attachments contain a job aid on this topic. For full instructions on how to send an email in CERES, please access the job aid attached.
Within CERES you are able to send an emails from the grants or agreements workspace to a variety of individuals associated with the project. The send email pop-up form offers you up to five options for recipients of your email, depending on whether you are in the grants or agreements module. See below for an explanation of those options:
For emails in the Grants module:
• All team members: all editors, readers, the Specialist, and the PI.
• All editors: anyone with edit permissions on the proposal.
• All readers: anyone with read permissions on the proposal. For both editors and readers, a list of individuals with these permissions can be accessed under the “Manage Access” button in the left menu.
• Specialist: the Sponsored Research Staff assigned to the proposal.
For emails in the Agreements module: Individuals assigned to the following roles can be viewed under the “Contacts” tab on the agreement workspace.
• All team members: everyone listed in the “Contacts” tab.
• Agreement Manager/Principal Investigator: the PI on the agreement.
• Primary Contact: the Research Administrator responsible for the agreement.
• All Collaborators: “Agreement Collaborators” in the “Contacts” tab.
• Assigned Owner: the Sponsored Research staff assigned to the agreement.