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Request Placement on a REACH Digital Display
Want to place a request for your content to be displayed on a REACH digital display screen on campus? Please see the chart below for information on setting up your content and how to place a request
Troubleshooting connection issues with eduroam Wireless on Windows after a NetID password change
. Below are instructions to remove and recreate the Wireless profiles.
Windows 10
Press the Windows Key+I at the same time to open the Settings app.
Select Network & Internet.
Embedding downloadable files in NUsites
default this is set to Media File and clicking will download the file.
When finished, click Insert Into Page
The downloadable file will appear as a link in your content.
Keywords: insert media download
Created: 2017-04-11 16:56:04
Updated: 2020-08-05 18:22:33
Microsoft Teams: Channel Enhancements in the new client
However, if you prefer to go back to the way the classic Teams client displayed channel conversations you can select the 'More options' ellipses in the upper right and choose 'See new
SharePoint: How to change document library owners
Follow these steps to change document library owners. These directions review how to add or remove a user.
Step 1: Access your document library. Select the gear icon in the upper right-hand
Embedding images in NUsites
Choosing an Image
To embed an image into a post or page, click the “Add Media” button.
At this point, you may choose to Upload Files or select an image from the Media Library.
Creating a vacation message on your (or other Google G Suite) account
,, and accounts.
When logged in to your G Suite account in the online Gmail interface:
Click the gear icon in the screen's upper right corner and
Accessing Reports and Other Cognos Content
In the new Cognos 11.2.4 update, you will not be able to access reports from the home page tiles. To access team reports along with your own reports, you will need to access the Content folder by
Quest Slurm Quick Start
for a valid submission script is partition (-p/--partition), account (-A/--account), and walltime (-t/--time). In addition to these settings, we strongly recommend setting the number of nodes to run
Sharing Documents Shared Via Domain Group Do Not Show Up in "Shared with me"
this document/folder on the 'Shared with Me' page in their OneDrive. This is by design.
More information on this from Microsoft ==> Sharing documents with domain group doesn't how up in "Shared
Enterprise File Transfer
Agreements (SLAs) may be created but must be settled prior to the initiation of product usage regardless of environment; e.g. DEV, UAT, PROD, etc. SLAs are subject to change and can be updated during platform usage; however, they must be accepted by department heads through an approval process.
Unsubscribing from a listserv
you would like to unsubscribe, send an email to and provide the email address(es) you would like unsubscribed, and the list names you would like to be removed from.
Keywords: email settings manage remove
Created: 2016-04-09 20:16:19
Updated: 2020-06-10 15:40:22
Exchange Email Troubleshooting: Message "An encrypted connection to your mail server is not available.."
Some users have seen an error while setting up Outlook to connect to a Northwestern Exchange account.
During auto-discover, the auto-discover fails with the following error:
An encrypted
Report on file and folder sharing in OneDrive or SharePoint
This article shows how to find out who has access to your OneDrive or SharePoint site. This can help you to clean up any miscellaneous access to your OneDrive or SharePoint site. ... on the gear in the upper right hand corner to access the Settings menu, click Site usage.
In the Shared with external users section, click Run report.
Choose a location to save the report, and
Check who has accessed your files in SharePoint and OneDrive
Find the file that you would like to check
Hover your cursor over the file name
When the information pop up opens, click on see details
On the details pane that opens on the right side of the