This guide describes how to search for products in iBuyNU, add them to your shopping cart, and assign a cart (Shopper and Requester) or checkout (Requester only).
IBuyNU is a web-based ordering tool that provides departments and schools with the most streamlined, cost effective way to order products. iBuyNU contains items from preferred suppliers (discount pricing, enhanced customer service, and negotiated contracts).
There are two roles in iBuyNU: Shopper and Requester. Access to iBuyNU as a Shopper requires no security authorization. Staff employees are automatically granted access when hired. If you are a shopper and cannot access iBuyNU, contact Financial Operation IT (FOIT) and they will provide further instruction. If you need to create catalog requisitions and need to be assigned the Requester role, you must complete a Security Access Form. Security access forms and instructions are located here.
Shop for Products
There are multiple ways to search for products:
- Keyword Search – search one or more supplier’s catalog by entering a keyword.
- Part Number Search – search by selecting a supplier and entering a supplier part number, manufacturer part number, or buyer part number.
- Shop a Specific Supplier Catalog – browse a supplier’s catalog.
Use the Search field to perform a keyword or part # search.

Follow the steps below to search for a product by typing a keyword or part # into the Search field:
- Type a keyword or part # in the Search field.
- Optionally:
- Click Advanced to display additional search fields.

- Click the magnifying glass or Search to begin the search.
When the search completes, the results will display.

From the search results, you can perform various actions:
- Apply various filters (Supplier, Category, Manufacturer, etc.)
- Sort results by: Best Match, Supplier, Price, etc.
- Configure Additional Details visible in search results.
- View search results in a list format.
- Compare up to 4 search results.
- Add item as a Favorite.
- Click to View item details.
- Add item to your cart.
- Punchout to supplier catalog to add item to cart.
Compare Products from Search Results
You can compare up to 4 products from the results of a search. The comparison display will show each product side-by-side in column format. Comparing products can only be utilized to search for items from a Hosted or Punchout catalog.
- Click
of the product you want to compare with others.
iBuyNU responds by displaying the number of items selected to compare in the upper right hand corner.
- Click
of the second, third, and/or fourth product.
- Click
to view the item comparison.
Shop a Specific Supplier Catalog
You can browse a specific supplier catalog.
- Navigate to Showcase on the right side menu.
iBuyNU displays supplier catalogs organized by category:

- Click a suppliers catalog to search a supplier hosted catalog.
- Optional: Click Categories to browse a supplier hosted catalog by item category.
- Click a supplier punchout catalog to leave iBuyNU and punchout to shop a supplier’s catalog/website.
- Shop the supplier’s catalog/website. Note that punchout websites vary. Follow the supplier’s onscreen instructions and prompts to add items to the punchout cart and checkout/return to iBuyNU.
- To return to iBuyNU without adding any items to your iBuyNU cart, click the Cancel Punchout button in header bar.

View a Shopping Cart
At any time you can view your current shopping cart.
- Click the shopping cart icon and click View My Cart.
- Optional: Under Summary, Edit Cart Name.
- Click Enter or anywhere out of Summary box to save changes.
Assign or Checkout a Shopping Cart
When you have added items to your iBuyNU cart and have finished shopping, if you are a Shopper you must assign it to a Requester. If you are a Requester, you can assign it to another Requester or check out.
To assign a cart or check out:
- While in the Shopping Cart, Click Assign Cart:
- Assign Cart: User Search dialogue box will appear. Click Search to search for a user.

- User Search dialogue box will appear: Enter Last Name, First Name and/or Email of desired user.
- Click Search.

- Users matching search will be displayed. Under Action, select the plus sign for the user you would like to assign the cart to.

- Optional: Add Note to Assignee.
- Click Assign button.

- To checkout (Requester only): click Final Cart Review button.

- Click Checkout.

Reclaim/Reassign an Assigned Cart
If the requester that you assigned a cart to has not done anything with the cart, the cart will be in your Assigned Carts tab, you can reclaim an assigned cart in a Pending status.
- Click Shop/Carts in the left-hand navigation, the click My Carts and Orders > View Carts.

- Click the Assigned Carts tab.
- Under Action, click Unassign.

- The reclaimed cart becomes the active cart. With the active reclaimed cart you can:
- Modify the cart, adding or deleting items, and then reassign it by clicking Assign Cart.
- Reassign the cart by clicking Assign Cart.
- If a requester, proceed to Final Cart Review to checkout.
Additional Resources
For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email