Obtaining Access to Data Management and Analytics Reports

This article guides you on how to get access to Reports and Ad hoc reporting for Northwestern's administrative systems. 

This document also provides a high level Support for Access, Data, Usage > Business Process found in Reporting system, Cognos Analytics.

 Subject Area

Support for Access / Data / Usage / Business Process

Access Form / Agreement / Email

Alumni Relations and Development (ARD)

To request access the user should submit a completed Confidentiality Agreement and ARDSecurity Access Request form to ARD-HELP@northwestern.edu

For help with creating reports, the user should contact their SSR. If the user is an SSR, they should send a message/request for help to the SSRlistserv. If the user is outside of ARDand does not have an SSR, they should contact NUITsupport.

Catracks Reports

Effort Reporting

Contact IT Technology Support Services (1-HELP) or for setting up FFRA report access, start at: http:/ffra.northwestern.edu/security/.

On that page, there are the links to security forms and job aids. "Sponsored Program Management" rights on the FFRA security form grants access to Effort Reporting.

FFRA Security Access Form
Endowment Reporting and Expendable Funds Reporting

Access processes for Endowment vary by report/tool. The user should contact Northwestern IT Support at consultant@northwestern.edu or 1-HELP. IT Support will direct the user to a Data Management and Analytics (DMA) representative who will help them determine what steps they should take to request the access they need.

Access to the following Endowment reports is granted to all users of FFRA Financials reports. To request access to any of these reports, start at: http:/ffra.northwestern.edu/security/

  • Account Level Spending
  • Direct Spending and Transfers by Department and Project
  • Endowment Spending Balances
  • Faculty Staff and Students Paid from Endowment Projects

Access to the following Endowment reports is granted to all users who have access to Central/Accounting Services or Central/Budget FFRA reports. To request access to any of these reports, start at: ESAF Systems Central Security Access Form (CEN_BUDGET is in Section K, CEN_ACC_SERV is in Section O)

  • Direct Spending and Transfers by School and Unit
  • Endowment Spending Balances by School and Unit

Access to the following reporting tools can be requested by contacting NUIT Support (consultant@northwestern.edu). Users must have access to 1. FFRA reports AND 2. access to ARD-BI reporting or be approved by the Executive Director of ARD Services to access the report:

  • Financial Summary report
  • Endowment Beneficiary Query
  • Endowment Stewardee Query

Access to the following report is automatically given to users who have access to Student Records AND Student Financials Reports:

  • Student Beneficiaries

ESAF Systems Central Security Access Form

(Also see Security Forms and Reports)

myHR (HR) The user should contact myHR help at 847-467-4800 or email myHR Help myHR Access Form
Finance, Facilities, and Research Administration (FFRA) Contact IT Technology Support Services (1-HELP). FFRA Security Access Form
NUCore The user should contact NUCore Support at nucore@northwestern.edu nucore@northwestern.edu
PMU (Primary Management Unit) All Reporting & Analytics System users are given access by default. For data or usage questions, please contact Reporting & Analytics Support  
Student Admissions

Access processes for Admissions vary by report/tool. The user should contact Northwestern IT Support at consultant@northwestern.edu or 1-HELP. IT Support will direct the user to a Data Management and Analytics (DMA) representative who will help them determine what steps they should take to request the access they need.

The Student Admissions Form is required for access to all Student Admissions reporting tools.

For the Undergraduate Student Lifecycle Query and the Undergraduate Student by Term Integrated Query, the Student Records access form is also required, if the user does not already have access to Student Records -BI reporting tools.

Student Admissions Access Form
Student Financials he user should fill out the SES Access form. Student Financials Access Form
Student Funding

Student Funding History

  • View funding history for an individual student (i.e. to check use of TGS allocated quarters or to look for GA/TA quarters).
  • View funding history for a program or school.
  • View funding history on a particular chart string (i.e. to determine who was funded on a training grant).
  • Use the data in the report to populate a “dashboard” to be used by senior leaders in making funding decisions.
Student Funding Access Form
Student Records

The user should fill out and submit the Student Records access form.

For further help, please open a Service Manager Ticket for University Enrollment - SES

Student Records Access Form
Parking The user should email Tatyana Malina t-malina@northwestern.edu to request access t-malina@northwestern.edu
Research Space DataMart   k-grzyb@northwestern.edu
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