Understanding the GM044 Sponsored Project Portfolio in Cognos Analytics

The GM044 Sponsored Project Portfolio displays budget balances by Project. This report can be filtered by Department, PI, Project, or Award to get a snapshot of award information. An optional prompt allows you to run the report for negative balances only, to monitor deficit spending.


This report is used by PI’s, Department Administrators, and ASRSP to view budget balances by project and by project/budget category. The first level report displays balances for active projects including direct and indirect expenditures as well as encumbrances by department and/or principal investigator. The second level report drills through into the Budget Overview for a particular project which breaks out the available balance by sponsor and cost share commitments. Each balance is then broken out by budget category (includes expenses and encumbrances).

Step 1 Navigate to the report

Step 2 Respond to prompts and run the report

Prompt Descriptions

Report Results

Column Definitions


Keywords: BI"business intelligence" era reporting "Job aid" "grants management" grants gm44 gmo44
Created: 2018-05-08 14:48:45
Updated: 2019-02-04 16:59:55

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