Nvivo on Azure




SESP is now utilizing the Windows Virtual Desktop solution in Microsoft Azure to support SESP research team’s use of Nvivo.

If you are interested in utilizing this new solution please email Michael Hannen – mhannen@northwestern.edu.

For Northwestern students with a u.northwestern email or for any non-Northwestern researchers, when prompted to enter your email and password, please use the following format:  yournetid@ads.northwestern.edu and then your NetID password.

Recommended Change to All Project Files

Nvivo project files have a default setting which is best to change. We recommend changing the setting for Projects on Network Drives to On Save.  Instructions from Nvivo are available here - https://help-nv.qsrinternational.com/14/win/Content/projects-teamwork/save-and-copy-projects.htm?Highlight=network%20drive#Projects


Recovering from Project File Errors

Occasionally Nvivo project files will become corrupted and will no longer open correctly. There are a few ways to recover your project file. Please follow the instructions from Nvivo - https://help-nv.qsrinternational.com/14/win/Content/projects-teamwork/recover-projects.htm.  Often the quickest method is to create a new empty project and then importing the problem project into it Merge/import projects.


Connecting From a MAC

From a Mac, it is recommended to connect to the solution via a web browser. Please click the link below to log in.


From a Mac it is possible to connect with the Microsoft Remote Desktop client, however, the remote desktop screen resolution does not scale automatically based on the resolution of your monitor which can create a less than ideal experience.


Connecting From a Windows Computer

From a Windows computer, you can connect with either a web browser or the Microsoft Remote Desktop.

To connect with a web browser please click the link listed above in the Mac section.

To connect with the Microsoft Remote Desktop client please follow the instructions below.

Please open Microsoft Remote Desktop.

Please choose the Workspaces tab

Please select Add Workspace