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AlphaFold on Quest
if this setting is enabled.
Whether to read MSAs that have been written to disk.
Whether to only build MSAs, and not do any prediction
Fluid Requisition for Purchase of Capital Equipment in NUFinancials (Training Guide)
line item and not the entire requisition.
Click the Send to Supplier checkbox ONLY if the comments should be sent to the vendor on the purchase order.
Show at Receipt box is not typically used
NUFinancials: Searching for Spreadsheet Journals Training Guide
Search area
Log in to NUFinancials: using your NetID and password.
Then: Navigator > Actuals Journal > Add/Update Actuals Journal > Find an Existing Value
Step 2
Northwestern Print: Faculty and Staff Printing Costs
Northwestern Print information for Faculty and Staff. ... , please contact your local IT support team.
Non-managed university or personal computers
Faculty and staff using non-managed university or personal computers will need to install the Mobility
NUFinancials: Receiving and Depositing Revenue Course Guide
Learn the recommended sequence of steps when using the Cash Receipt Ticket (CRT) with sealed bag bank deposits of cash and checks.
Part 2: Creating Cash Receipt Tickets (CRTs
Discounted Northwestern Software
The Northwestern software download portal helps students, faculty, and staff identify the ways in which they can purchase or download Northwestern-recommended software titles. ... The Northwestern software download portal helps students, faculty, and staff identify the ways in which they can purchase or download Northwestern-recommended software titles.
Features and
Client Antivirus Software
and machines not managed by the University, it is critical that students, faculty, and staff members install antivirus software, update virus definitions, and run virus scans daily. ... devices and machines not managed by the University, it is critical that students, faculty, and staff members install antivirus software, update virus definitions, and run virus scans daily. Northwestern IT
CAESAR user receives "Site name is not valid. Check your url syntax and try again." message upon login
This message is a function of the user's browser still hanging onto some old cookies and/ or cache that is referencing an older version of CAESAR. The only way to fix this is by thoroughly clearing
Compiling Code on Quest
viable modules for these two dependencies. Second. when deciding which one to use, it is important to try to load a module that was compiled using the same compiler and version as the one you choose
Monitoring as a Service
Service monitoring at Northwestern consists of several “opt-in” products and notification tools that provide application and functional support staff the ability to monitor the performance and health of University applications and respond to events or issues associated with them. ... :
Application uptime, response time, or output.
Database availability, response time, and space utilization.
Website response time and content.
Website user experience via web transactions, from
Data Management and Analytics Catalog
- Faculty Start-up Attribute Summary (Faculty/PI)
Used by central offices to review faculty start up funds.
Team content > Finance, Facilities, and Research Administration
General Access Allocations
Request a Service: Information on the types of allocations supported by Quest, application deadlines, and required documentation can be found in the Allocation Submission and Review Guidelines
NUFinancials Known Issues
dated 8/31 posted after Monday’s reports were loaded. FY24 HR encumbrances were successfully removed. FY24 HR expenses may be understated until reports are reloaded Tuesday, 9/10 at 8am. Budget Overview in NUFinancials can be used to review current balances.
There are several tools supported by Northwestern IT and guidance available in helping you choose what tool best fits your self-service needs. To understand the strength and limitations of the tools we recommend you review each offering and check out their pages. ... enables visualization and analysis of data. It enables connection to a broad range of data sources through easy-to-use dashboards and supports development of interactive reports, visualizations and
Optimizing Data Extracts on Tableau Server
Given the volume of users and scheduled jobs on Northwestern's Tableau Server, it is vital that those who create extracts and schedule refreshes do so with efficiency in mind. This will allow our