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Live Video ID Verification

Verifying your Identity To complete a Live Video ID Verification we request that you have the following prepared before beginning your live video ID verification call. Examples of ID, conditions

NUPlans Contributor Basics Manual

. Click NUPlans_FYxx_Budget for the desired year. The Contributor Dashboard opens.   Contributor Dashboard     Navigational Icons Located in the upper right corner of the

New Canvas Integration Request

-Integration Updates Northwestern IT requires a Service Provider Security Assessment every two years. A member of Northwestern IT will contact the school or unit and vendor when the review cycle is

Managing your (or other Google G Suite) account after graduation

“Deselect all” and then scroll down to check “Drive”. Choose Export Settings: Click “Next step”. Select Delivery Method: Choose how you want to receive your data (e.g., via email link, add to Drive

Understanding the GL068 Financial Summary Report in Cognos Analytics

listed as this tied to your security settings) Accounting Services Budget Facilities Sponsored Programs Management Supply Chain Voyager Budget/COA Monthly Financial

Creating an Amazon S3 bucket

: Using Amazon S3 Storage Setup Contact to request access to the NU AWS organization, which will allow you to log in with your Northwestern credentials. Using the AWS

Using RStudio on the Quest Analytics Nodes

transfer files smaller than 500MB using the Files tab in RStudio. There is an upload button that will allow you to select files from your computer to transfer. When you connect to RStudio, you

Fluid Requisition for Purchase of Capital Equipment in NUFinancials (Training Guide)

quantity must be at least 1) Click the *Unit of Measure magnifying glass to open a Look Up window. Enter the first two letters of the unit into the Unit of Measure field

Obtaining a transcript

transcript. Check the box next to your transcript and click View Report. Your transcript will display in a pop up window, so make sure your browser isn't blocking pop-ups. Alumni and Former Students

Modules Software Environment Manager on Quest

, relieves the user of having to remember or look up and type long path names. Looking for information on how to load specific applications or software on Quest through the module system? Please see our the

Running GATK4 Spark on Quest

calling. As of GATK version 4, many GATK tools are also available to run on Apache Spark, a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing which can significantly speed up computation time

Copilot for M365: PowerPoint

(/) to cause it to pop up. Select Send. Copilot will draft a presentation for you! Edit the presentation to suit your needs, ask Copilot to add a slide, organize your presentation, or add

Quest FAQ

up to 500,000 compute hours. This allocation provides a 2 TB project storage. Research II allocations are for projects with a large computational need, however you will need to submit a detailed

Fluid Catalog Requisition in iBuyNU / NUFinancials (Training Guide)

results. View search results in a list format. Compare up to 4 search results. Add item as a Favorite. Click to View item details. Add item to your cart. Punchout to supplier catalog to add

Determine the SMB version you use to connect to the Research Data Storage Service (RDSS)

SMBv1, we recommend upgrading your operating system or samba version to enable a newer SMB dialect if possible. Be sure to check that upgrading will not affect compatibility with software and instruments