eduroam - Northwestern's Wireless Network


eduroam is the campus wireless network at Northwestern. Northwestern participates in eduroam (education roaming), a secure federated wireless network for the international research and education community. The service allows Northwestern students, staff, and faculty to use their NetID credentials to access wireless network services while visiting eduroam-participating institutions located throughout the world.

With hundreds of thousands of wireless access points sharing a common SSID, eduroam acts as one large, world-wide, wireless hotspot.It uses WPA2-Enterprise authentication to provide a high level of data security. Most computers, tablets, and smartphones are compatible with this type of authentication.


How to Connect

Select eduroam from the list of available wireless networks. Your wireless device should connect automatically. Then, enter your and your NetID password when prompted. 

When changing your NetID password, remember to update your wireless settings to use the new password. For more detailed instructions, please consult the Northwestern Knowledge Base: Wireless.

Devices, including wireless printers, game systems, and TVs (e.g. Apple TV) are not generally compatible with the eduroam wireless network. Register your device with the Device-Northwestern network.


When Traveling

Before leaving campus to travel in the U.S. or abroad for education, conferences, and collaborative work, University students, faculty, and staff should set up eduroam on their laptops and other wireless devices to ensure that wireless access at any other eduroam-affiliated institution will be automatic and will not require extra configuration.

Visit the eduroam website for detailed information including maps with location points for member institutions worldwide.

If, while traveling, you require access to Northwestern-specific resources, you must connect via the Northwestern University VPN in order to receive on-campus-equivalent Northwestern network access.

While visiting other institutions, contact the IT Support Center for technical support when troubleshooting network access with eduroam. Host institutions are not obligated to support visitors accessing eduroam.


eduroam for Visitors to Northwestern

While connected to the eduroam wireless network at Northwestern, there may be some Northwestern-specific resources that are not available to visitors through eduroam. Visitors requiring access to Northwestern-specific resources that eduroam does not provide should request a short-term NetID provided by the department or individual at Northwestern sponsoring the campus visit and use the “Northwestern” wireless network.

Visitors to Northwestern should rely on their home institution's technical support for eduroam-related connectivity problems. They will coordinate with the IT Support Center, if necessary, to determine a resolution.





Article ID: 1851
Wed 6/29/22 11:18 AM
Wed 11/27/24 1:05 PM

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