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General Navigation in NUFinancials

The purpose of this guide is to explain the general layout of NUFinancials pages and provide explanations of commonly used navigation buttons and links. After completing this guide, you will be

Finding Match Exceptions in NUFinancials

. Complete prompts Many criteria are available on the Voucher Inquiry. The few that are most useful to find and investigate match exceptions are below. # Field

Fall 2024 Tech Updates @ SESP and FY24 Yearly Project Summary

technical issues with the existing Microsoft based forms our community members use for reimbursements and purchase requests, we will be migrating to new forms built in Team Dynamics, Northwestern's

PlanIt Purple

includes the ability to search and filter events up to three years in the past and five years in the future. Events can be shared between groups, and users may export events to external calendars. Events

Change, Cancel or Close a Purchase Order in NUFinancials

PO line will not need department approval unless it is a subcontract. If your PO cancel request requires department approval, you may find and view your purchase order status using the Add/Update

Pandemic Essentials: Research on Campus Training

return to campus as well as guidance on the new norms of work and social interaction on campus.   In order to better assist you, it is important to determine how you are affiliated with the

Adding contacts from the Global Address List (GAL) in Outlook Web App (OWA)

grey box under the person's name and title, click Add to Contacts, then click Add to Contacts again. Modify the information as necessary, then at the top click Save.   Keywords: email personal exchange webmail Created: 2017-01-31 15:59:44 Updated: 2020-08-05 18:22:33

Adding contacts from the Global Address List (GAL) in Outlook 2016 for macOS

You have two main ways of getting access to and storing contacts. You have access to a Global Address List (GAL) that contains everyone who has a Northwestern email address, and a Personal Address

Add and remove an email account from Outlook (Mac)

Removing an email account from Outlook doesn't deactivate or delete content from your the email account. These instructions are for Outlook 365 and later, Outlook 2016, 2013, and 2011 only

NUFinancials: Sealed Bag Deposit Process (Cash/Checks) Presentation

each medium. – Use a calculator and print the calculator tapes. – Or use Excel, print the spreadsheet, and cut it into strips. • Attach tapes/strips to checks, bills, and coins

Running VS Code (Server) on a Quest Compute Node

Status of University IT Services page. Quest RHEL8 Pilot Environment - November 18. Starting November 18, all Quest users are invited to test and run their workflows in a RHEL8 pilot environment to

Installing a security certificate on legacy versions of Mac OS X

may see a message that says "Warning: This connection is not secure" and/or a warning about the website certificate. To fix this issue, you need to update the security certificate on your Mac

Create and Finish an Ad Hoc Document for Supplier Contracts in NUFinancials: Northwestern Template

NUFinancials user you want to collaborate on this document. The Sponsor will automatically be included as a Collaborator and you may wish to Set Up Default Collaborators in advance. Select which

Recurring Meeting Conflicts Between Scheduler and Attendees

Behavior: Attendees are not kept current with changes made to recurring meetings by meeting schedulers. Resolution: Over time, recurring meeting updates and changes can be very difficult to manage

Kellogg Linux Cluster

uses. As a Linux-based system, KLC also offers straightforward ways for you to schedule jobs to run at certain times and to script sequences of tasks, both of which can save you effort and help with