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Changing network adapter priority in Windows

the green up arrow until Local Area Connection is at the top of the list. Click OK to save the settings.  Windows 10 Unlike previous versions, Windows 10 automatically orders connections

Importing and exporting listserv subscribers

. If you have modified any individual subscribers' settings, we suggest you use Check All. Under Report Format, change the dropdown box to the desired format. If you will be importing the list

Scheduling a Zoom meeting

already started. Attendees joining a meeting with this setting enabled are notified that they are muted upon joining. Enable waiting room: Creates a holding area for participants before joining the

Modify Salary Placeholders in NUPlans Web

Ready to update, click Modify Placeholder to commit the changes. Potential Issue Correction Placeholder description is too long. It will be

Uninstalling GlobalProtect for MacOS

and follow instructions to delete your currently installed agent   If you have uninstalled the client successfully,  but you need to reinstall it, please follow the steps on Setting up and

Using the InfoCommons Mobile Cart and Station (Digital)

. Set Quality to High. Play media from your source device and Capture. Shutting down the system Shutting down the system will decrease the setup time for the next IC station user. Save

How to Add an App to a SharePoint Site

: From the home page of your SharePoint site click Settings gear in the upper right hand corner and select Add an app. Click on classic experience to add the most common apps such as creating a

Connecting to eduroam on macOS

: Certificate name is "netauth2". The Certificate Trust Settings window will appear. You will need to enter your computer username and password. Then select Update Settings If you successfully

Secure Data Onboarding

OneDrive account. Then click the three stacked dots to the right of the new folder and select Share. Ensure the link is set to “People you specify can edit” Enter the email address of

Understanding the GL071 Financial Summary Historical Comparison Report in Cognos Analytics

folders. (Note: You may not see all the folders listed as this tied to your security settings) Accounting Services Budget Facilities Sponsored Programs Management Supply Chain

Virtual Server Hosting for Research, Schools, and Administrative Units

with ADS (Active Directory Services) authentication enabled. If operating systems are not kept up-to-date, Northwestern IT will work with the virtual machine owner to bring systems up-to-date, if

NUPlans Tips

updated your browser settings to allow pop-ups from If you don't see the data you expect to see, verify you have accessed the correct system. NUPlans Web has multiple

Submit a Supplier Change Request in NUFinancials

> Initiate Supplier Change      Click on the search icon in the Supplier ID field.    Change the Search By in the pop-up window to Supplier Name

Canvas Administrator Roles and Permissions

.  Northwestern IT Teaching & Learning Technologies will schedule training as needed. Upon confirmation that all requirements have been met, the appropriate privileges will be assigned    Canvas

Wireless Phone 840 Quick Reference Guide

up and Volume down buttons on the left side of the phone to adjust the volume while on a call.  Adjust volume setting  Swipe down on the Lock screen and tap Quick Settings.   Tap Volume