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SESP Annenberg Hall 3rd Floor Commons

Capabilities: Zoom Room: No Displays: Not Listed Cameras: No Microphones: No Wireless Display: No Record/Stream: No Document Camera: No

Connecting to eduroam on macOS

You should be able to connect automatically to the eduroam Wireless Network with (i.e., if your NetID is abc123, then you would enter as the

1800 Sherman Ave. Room 3516

Guide Displays: 1 Cameras: Not Listed Microphones: Not Listed Wireless Display: Not Listed Record/Stream: Not Listed Document Camera: No

Abbott Hall Room 1601

Capabilities: Zoom Room: No Displays: N/A Cameras: N/A Microphones: N/A Wireless Display: No Record/Stream: No Document Camera: No

1800 Sherman Ave. Room 7308

Rooms Guide Displays: 1 Cameras: Front Microphones: Front Wireless Display: Not Listed Record/Stream: Not Listed Document Camera: No

Abbott Hall Room 1602

Capabilities: Zoom Room: No Displays: N/A Cameras: N/A Microphones: N/A Wireless Display: No Record/Stream: No Document Camera: No

1800 Sherman Ave. Room 3509

Rooms Guide Displays: 1 Cameras: Front Microphones: Front Wireless Display: Not Listed Record/Stream: Not Listed Document Camera: No

Connecting to eduroam on Chromebook

You should be able to connect automatically to the eduroam Wireless Network with (i.e., if your NetID is abc123, then you would enter as the

Changing network adapter priority in Windows

When both wireless and Ethernet connections are available, Windows automatically gives the Ethernet connection a higher priority. However, when you move your laptop in and out of a docking station

Feinberg - Connecting to a network printer on your macOS computer

How to connect to a network printer on Mac OS either by IP address or by the FSM Print Server Using a printer connected by IP address has the following limitation: Wireless users MUST NOT be on

Library Solstice Support

Solstice provides a wireless connection, using the Solstice app (available for Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android), that enables screen sharing and collaboration between mobile devices. The Solstice

Network Configuration

:10D:2000:3000::/64 2620:10D:2000:3000:: - 2620:10D:2000:3000:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF Wireless Services Northwestern Wireless / eduroam Netblock IP Address Range

Connecting to eduroam on Windows

You should be able to connect automatically to the eduroam Wireless Network with (i.e., if your NetID is abc123, then you would enter as the

E911 Emergency Telephone Calling

running on Mac or Windows computers on the Northwestern campus wired or wireless networks in Chicago, Evanston, Waukegan, and Coral Gables.  Off-campus computers that are using Jabber are required to

Login Format for various Northwestern Services

eduroam & password Device Wireless website netID & password @u email @u email address (FirstNameLastNameGraduationYear