Converting a report to different format in Cognos Analytics

This article walks you through the steps for changing/converting the format of a report after you have run the report to its default format.


Begin by logging into Cognos Analytics.

Navigate to the report you wish to run and click on it. Fill in prompts if you are presented with a Prompt page.

Follows the steps below. 

  1. Click on the HTML button to select a source from Application Toolbar.
  2. Choose the format that you want to convert report to from the drop down.
  3. Select Run button to run the report.
  4. Optional: Select the Run button again to return to the prompt page.
    • Please Note: All your initial prompt selections will be retained unless you refresh the page in browser.


For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) option 7, or

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Article ID: 1686
Thu 5/12/22 12:39 PM
Fri 11/3/23 9:34 AM

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The Business Intelligence (BI) System (also known as Cognos), provides Northwestern with accessible and comprehensive reporting and analytics solutions for University schools and business units.