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Submitting a Payment Request in NUFinancials (Training Guide)

budget check. If the submitter indicated a special request such as a payment message to the supplier or a payment "handling code", Accounts Payable can manually update the voucher per those instructions

Setting up static Ethernet on macOS

in the IP Address: field. Click Apply. All other fields are automatically populated. Close System Preferences.   Keywords: IP address Mac Created: 2016-03-27 22:16:10 Updated: 2020-06-10 16:17:48

CERES: Complete a Budget

-Update SF424 activity is used, it overrides the fields in the SF424 with the information in the funding proposal and budget. If changes are needed, update the funding proposal or budget first, and then

Understanding the GL070 Financial Summary Report in Cognos Analytics

Use the GL070 Financial Summary report to see chart strings filtered by project purpose.   For example, if you want to see the financial status of designated chart strings that are set aside

Setting up your (Microsoft 365) account on Windows Phone

configuring NU Exchange on their mobile device. Do not use Guest-Northwestern or Device-Northwestern.   Navigate to the App list screen and select Settings. Select Email & Accounts > Add an

Setting up static Ethernet on Windows

IP address. Most offices use dynamic IP addresses. Please check with your technical support personnel for the correct IP address settings and options. Open the Start menu, select Control

NUPlans Carry Forward View

year’s beginning carry forward is determined in NUFinancials after year-end close and rolled by NUFinancials into next year’s budget.   Contents Upon completion of this guide

Setting up Cisco Jabber for Android

may also see this screen when the app is updated, or if you reset the Jabber app. Enter your full email address, then click Continue. If you have a or

Debugging your Slurm submission script on Quest

begin with #SBATCH. To debug job scripts that generate errors, look up the error message in the section below to identify the most likely reason your script received that error message. Once you have

Setting up your (Microsoft 365) account in Outlook for Windows

address, and your NetID password, then click Next. If a window pops up asking you to allow this website to configure server settings, click Allow. In a small popup window you may be prompted to enter

Setting up a passcode/PIN on a mobile phone

access in the event that your mobile device is lost or stolen. If you choose to opt out of setting a PIN or password on your mobile device, you may still use the Outlook Web App (OWA) from your mobile

Using Python on Quest

time to set up your environment: $ module load python-miniconda3 $ conda init bash Then log out of Quest and log back in. Once you have done this, you can use conda activate instead of source

Setting up Cisco Jabber for iOS (iPhone or iPad)

also see this screen when the app is updated, or if you reset the Jabber app. Enter your full email address, then click Continue. If you have a or

Using Singularity on Quest

using the Singularity remote builder. You can then copy or pull that container image to Quest to run it. To build a container using singularity, you must first define a recipe file which is a set of

NUFinancials Purchasing Glossary

products or for services that are provided on a regular and consistent basis. Specific examples include: Equipment maintenance (monthly payments) Garbage pick-up (department specific